Qik for Android Updated, Now Features Live Video Calls for All

Qik is updating their Android application, bringing a wider set of features including live video calls to all users. Up until now, unless you owned a handset that shipped with Qik pre-installed many of the applications features remained out of reach. Just as parent company Skype recently updated their application to spread 3G voice calling, a feature that had been Verizon-exclusive, Qik’s latest update brings all of the service’s features to the Android Market version.

Features that will be new to some are live video streaming and chats over 3G, 4G, and Wi-Fi; contact list integration; cross-platform chat; and the ability to use either to phone’s front or rear camera. You can also pre-record video mail and share content through Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and more.

With Skype with Video just around the corner, how the two companies plan to tackle the video chat market simultaneously isn’t clear. It doesn’t look like one will replace the other anytime soon. The new update does suggest that Qik will move ever increasingly in a social direction.

Android Market Link: Qik

[via TechCrunch]

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