Leaked Pics of a Mysterious New Multi-core Motorola Handset

DroidLife is showing off some pics they were sent of an apparent multiple core, 12MP, qHD display, 1900mAh battery packin,’ unannounced Motorola handset. When it comes to Motorola and Nvidia, we’ve received our fair share of leaked roadmaps and shadowy handsets but this? I can’t barely tell if I’m looking at the pics upside down or if the person responsible tried to paint on his phone using White Out. I mean, honestly – why do tipsters always use the blurriest cameras and get attempt to get the worst angles? But I digress. Here’s some shots of the madness.

I’m going to have to go to the jury on this one. Whats your verdict? Could this be the Targa? Possibly the Bullet or Jet? Or did this guy try to make a ghetto white version of his Droid X?

[Via DroidLife]

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