
You Might Already Have Sprint’s Special Google Voice Integration


Sprint originally said their enhanced Google Voice integration would make its way to the service sometime this month but didn’t have an exact date until just yesterday – it should be here April 26th. You should check your Google Voice account right now, though, because you may be able to see that sweet Sprint logo alongside your phone number. I logged in yesterday afternoon to check some voicemails and – sure enough – there it was. I suggest you folks go ahead and do the same. Don’t fret if you don’t end up seeing it because the 26th is only a few days away.

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  1. Just beautiful….

  2. what does the symbol mean? it still asks for money to ‘port’ my number

    1. Same here. I’ve had the Sprint logo, but it doesn’t let you select either option (GV or Sprint) as your primary number at this point. It appears to show the Sprint logo on all of my Google Voice accounts. Just can’t do anything with it yet.

    2. the symbol is just a way of identifying the carrier who owns the cell number. i am not sure what other significance it has.

  3. I actually had my Sprint account on my Google Voice account for about a week now. I was surprised to see that it was up that early.

  4. yea, i dont think the sprint logo necessarily means that you can use the new features

  5. Yes, sorry but I think you jumped the gun a bit on this one. I have seen the logo for weeks but don’t have the enable link they reference in the video.

  6. I also have been seeing the Sprint logo for a while now, still unable to do the Sprint port.

  7. Couple things of note: All calls are considered “landline” calls at this point and full integration sends SMS through GV app (No MMS at least not that I know of). Thankfully you can switch back to having two numbers if you want. I am sticking with GV just for voicemail for now. I like using ChompSMS better.

    1. so what will happen with their “call any cell phone” for free plans

    2. In the invite email I received it states that this integration is compatible with any mobile any time… and since I switched over last night all my calls to cell phones are not coming off my available landline minutes as far as I can tell..

  8. When its activated you will get a special pop up either when you log in via PC, or go into settings. If its asking you to port for money, then thats not it.

  9. Anyone know what happens to your google voice number once you make this change?

  10. I got the official Beta invite yesterday, and though I appreciate what they are trying to do, I think I may stick with two phone numbers. I can see this being handy if you don’t already have a GV account that you use, but I use GV for business and Sprint for personal and I like having the separation of the two.

    I tried both options out yesterday, and Option 1 (Sprint # as your GV #) doesn’t immediately get rid of your GV number, it sets an expiration date at 3 months from the day you set it up, I assume to make sure you’re happy with how things are going.

    Option 2 (GV as Sprint #) works almost like the old style integration with the exception that all out going calls/messages show up as your GV #. You can still call your Sprint number, and as far as I can tell there was no stated expiration or removal date for it either.

    1. cool, thanks for the info.

    2. I have had the beta for a few weeks now. Works flawlessly. I have been using option 2 since i have pretty much made my GV # my primary # a long time ago. It works alot better than using the GV app for call since that didnt always work too well. Currently i still use the GV app for txts but i could shut that off and use the default txt client if need be. If someone txts your sprint number it goes right to GV and if someone sends you an mms to your sprint # it still comes in as your sprint #. Hopefully GV will get mms support sometime in the future.

  11. I honestly do not see anything of significance in any of this. What does having a damn “google voice” phone number do for me (that matters)? So far I see that I can get transcribed voicemails? WhoopDee$%#@inDoo. WTF do I need that for? A court filing?

    Anything else super duper that is supposed to make my life simpler? I’m, just not getting it. ???

    1. getting a text message with a voice transcription is invaluable to me. I
      hate listening to voicemail, or even answering the phone.

      I also find it invaluable to be able to send/receive text messages at my
      computer instead of having to always type them into my phone. and being
      able to continue the conversation when i get to a computer. Plus the GV
      messages can be sent via wifi when a cell connection isn’t available.

      Not to mention that google voice lets you easily ring multiple phones when
      someone calls. Or send them straight to voicemail based on their status in
      your address book. Or even give them a false disconnect notice.

    2. For us phone reviewers and people who have two or more numbers in their daily lives, Google Voice is an invaluable tool.

    3. I use it to block certain callers from leaving voicemails, also have personalized voicemails for different callers. I also use it for my blind sister, her voicemails and missed calls get forwarded to me so I can handle it for her.

  12. If you have it… you would know because you set it up and next to your forwarding phone would be the sprint logo AND “Google Voice Enabled” next to it. Many people have this from being invited early… others will not.

  13. I got the following email from google yesterday…

    voice-sprint-preview@googlegroups.com to me
    show details Apr 21 (1 day ago)

    You have been invited to start enjoying the benefits of the Sprint integration before anyone else! We are interested in your feedback as we roll this out to the entire user base and have listed a link to a form where you can send feedback and/or questions.

    There are two ways to enable the integrated service:

    1. Option 1: Keep your Sprint number (all the benefits of porting without the need to). In this case, your Sprint number becomes your Google Voice number so that when people call your Sprint mobile number, it rings all the phones you want.

    How to enable this: click on the “change/port” link next to your GV # in the settings page, choose the option to use your existing number, enter your Sprint number and select the Sprint option.

    2. Option 2: Replace your Sprint number with your Google Voice number (all the benefits of the app without the need for one). In this case, all calls made from your Sprint phone will display your Google Voice # natively (same for SMS).

    How to enable this: click on the “enable Google Voice on your Sprint phone” link next to your Sprint forwarding phone. If the link does not show, click on edit and use the link to verify whether your phone is eligible.

    In both cases, Google Voice replaces Sprint voicemail (pressing one on your phone links you to your Google Voicemail) and international calls made from the Sprint phone will be connected by Google Voice. Integrating your account with Sprint means you will still get the benefits of Any Mobile Any Time if that is included in your service plan.

    Important Notes:

    The integrated service only works with a valid Sprint mobile number.
    For this early release, Sprint support channels will not be available for support, including Sprint Retail Stores, Sprint Customer Care, Sprint Telesales, Sprint Direct Sales Reps, etc.
    If you need support, or have feedback, please fill out this form
    If you use the Google Voice app on Android, you will need to log out and log back in to make sure the app stops using call interception.

    Vincent Paquet, on behalf of the Google Voice team

    © 2011 Google Inc. 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043

    You are receiving this email announcement because you requested to be notified when the Sprint integration was available.

    thought I would post it up so everyone could see…. couple of notes I used option one and used my existing sprint number.. I use the google voice app so sms is handled throught the app. Although you can delete app and get sms through native sms client (have not tried with handcent) mms uses native messaging app.. In the email above it also states that any mobile anytime is supported

    Hope this help some people

  14. My account is fully integrated as of 4/21 (evening). Working like a charm,

  15. No love for tmo?

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