
Samsung DROID Charge – VZW’s Second LTE Phone – Officially Coming April 28th for $300


If all of the rumors mounting over the past couple of weeks didn’t make you a believer, perhaps this official press release will – the Samsung DROID Charge will be available via Verizon Wireless on April 28th. It’s been such a long ride since we first saw it at CES but Verizon’s finally ready to let loose their second 4G LTE smartphone.

Although Verizon and Samsung aren’t calling it a Galaxy S device, it sure does remind us of one: it’ll have Android 2.2 with TouchWiz 3.0, a 4.3-inch Super AMOLED Plus display, an 8 megapixel camera with LED flash, a front-facing VGA camera, Samsung’s 1GHz Hummingbird processor,  and all of the other usual bits and pieces.

Cost? $300 on a two-year contract. ($30 data plan applies.) Yes, we too were hoping that it was a typo but you’ll have to shell out a lot of money for this one. If you’d rather not, you’re always free to try your hand at Verizon’s latest DROID scavenger hunt that features the DROID Charge. Check their Twitter page out for more details. Read on for full press details.

DROID CHARGE Joins Verizon Wireless’ DROID family

As Samsung’s First 4G LTE Smartphone

BASKING RIDGE, N.J. –Verizon Wireless and Samsung Telecommunications America (Samsung Mobile) today announced that the Droid Charge by Samsung will be available April 28 in Verizon Wireless Communications Stores and online atwww.verizonwireless.com.

The Droid Charge is designed with Samsung’s 4.3-inch Super AMOLED™ Plus display, setting a new touch screen standard for brightness, clarity and outdoor visibility. The Droid Charge is equipped with both a rear-facing 8 megapixel camera with LED flash and front-facing 1.3 megapixel camera for both stills and video chatting. The smartphone’s 1GHz application processor and HTML 5 Web browser maximizes high-speed 4G LTE connectivity for faster downloads and graphics processing.


Additional Features:

– 4G LTE– customers can expect download speeds of  5 to 12 Mbps and upload speeds of 2 to 5 Mbps in 4G Mobile Broadband coverage area

– Android 2.2 platform – With support for Google Mobile Services including Gmail, YouTube™, Google Talk, Google Search, Google Maps and access to more than 150,000 apps available to download from Android Market™

– Adobe® Flash® Player compatible

– Mobile Hotspot capability – share 4G connection with up to 10 WiFi-enabled devices or a 3G connection with up to 5 devices

– Samsung Media Hub – Samsung’s own content service, offering a vast lineup of critically acclaimed films and TV programs for rent or purchase

– Virtual QWERTY Keyboard featuring Swype Technology

Pricing and data plans:

– The Droid Charge by Samsung will be available for $299.99 with a new two-year customer agreement.

– Droid Charge customers will need to subscribe to a Verizon Wireless Nationwide Talk plan and a 4G LTE data package.  Nationwide Talk plans begin at $39.99 monthly access. Unlimited 4G LTE data packages start at $29.99 monthly access. Mobile hotspot feature will be included for a limited time at no additional charge.


Find the DROID Charge

Beginning April 21, anyone over the age of 18 can participate in an exclusive Droid Charge Scavenger Hunt.   Follow the online clues to find hidden locations in 16 different cities to win a Droid Charge by Samsung.  For additional information about the DROID Charge scavenger hunt, visit: http://twitter.com/droidlanding.

About Verizon Wireless

Verizon Wireless operates the nation’s fastest and most advanced 4G network and largest and most reliable 3G network, and serves more than 93 million customers. Headquartered in Basking Ridge, N.J., with 80,000 employees nationwide, Verizon Wireless is a joint venture of Verizon Communications (NYSE, NASDAQ: VZ) and Vodafone (LSE, NASDAQ: VOD).  For more information, visit www.verizonwireless.com. To preview and request broadcast-quality video footage and high-resolution stills of Verizon Wireless operations, log on to the Verizon Wireless Multimedia Library atwww.verizonwireless.com/multimedia.

About Samsung Telecommunications America

Samsung Telecommunications America, LLC, a Dallas-based subsidiary of Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd., researches, develops and markets wireless handsets and telecommunications products throughout North America. For more information, please visit www.samsungwireless.com.


Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. do not want

  2. Wait is it Super AMOLED or Super AMOLED Plus? Big difference. But oh well already got the Thunderbolt with the extended battery (which seems to be a must for these LTE phones).

    1. Super Amoled Plus is 4.3 and larger and it says it in the official verizon memo. Still not worth 300 though

      1. ha, 300 in two years – it’s less than 13$ per month,
        but you are ready to pay for voice+data 100$+ per month

        back to school, dude

        1. I pay about 60 a month for voice and data so you go back to school clown. Smh

    2. Wait. Is this whosaidwhat? You jump ship on us??

  3. BTW, Galaxy S2 will come out in some countries days later than this. Which means the US will wait, and wait, and wait, just like they do for software updates.

    1. Agree I mean look the fascinate is just now getting froyo I will pass on any samsung phone unless it is a nexus since updates seem to never come or if they do way way to late.

  4. Why would someone buy this. Weak 4G phone. It needs a dual core cpu to compete with the other top level phones coming out and $300 is a joke for this phone

  5. ehh I’ll just do the droid landing for droid charge and try to look for it and then sell it for some money.

  6. Android 2.2 and TouchWiz = Fail.

  7. This phone should have a 2xCore, should have TW 4.0, GB 2.3 and should not cost $300. In otherwords it’s a half stepped SGS2 just like the thing ATT is getting.

    There will be lots of pissed off “Charge” buyers if and when the SGS2 lands on VZW.

  8. Yeah, yeah, yeah Galaxy S2 is all that matters right now. Were getting this POS right now for $300 and the UK gets the GS2 at the same time? WTF. WHEN IS THE GS2 RELEASING IN THE STATES?

  9. Mega fail. Old chipset, terrible update history and premium price.

  10. If they want this thing to sell, there better be at least a $100 instant rebate.

  11. Not worth $300 for a phone that has nearly identical specs as the thunderbolt at half the price. As far as the screen goes, I’ve owned a galaxy s phone and I currently own a thunderbolt, the screen quality is virtually identical to me.

    1. But the screen of this phone is much better than the one on the Galaxy S.
      It’s a S-AMOLED+, without the pentile matrix. Same excellent contrast.

    2. You mean to tell me that the Thunderbolts blacks aren’t grayish in the dark? Having owned a Galaxy S you have to know what I’m talkin about.

  12. Fail, and waste of time and money.I’m a proud Dinc owner…..

  13. Keep it. Where the hell is the Galaxy S II???

  14. .A 4g phone, and it costs $300? They’re trying really hard to live up to the name.


    1. Cruise control for cool….
      Seriously though. 4.3inch samoled+ is not a upgrade at all over a 4 inch samoled…..Oh wait.

    2. This device fits VZW strategy of pushing mid level old chipset devices for premium prices. This insult of a device should sell poorly.

    3. This device is a 2010 phone. I agree. However, it compares well to the Thunderbolt: better GPU and better display. Probably thinner.

  16. Verizon really needs to work on sourcing more world-capable (dual CDMA/GSM) handsets. Anyone who travels to Europe, for example, has limited, unexciting choices for a daily phone, and difficult, unsatisfactory “jump through hoops” hassles to “borrow” a phone. Get with the rest of the world Verizon!

  17. DOA

  18. It is not going to sell for 300. If it does, nobody will buy it. Dual core phones for 200, nice try idiots. FAIL

  19. I still don’t think this thing is going to sell for $300 on launch day regardless of what the memo says. The Thunderbolt was supposedly $750 off-contract and $300-$350 (depending on where the info came from) with a 2-year contract before it actually hit the market – at $599 and $249 respectively, and that lasted for about an hour before wirefly, et al. started selling it for less (in some cases at or just before release). If this thing actually does have a $300 price point they aren’t going to be selling very many at all. The only sales will be to people who think that more$ = better or people who don’t understand that “Droid” is just a carrier-branding. I’m still not sure why the TBolt didn’t get it – all of VZW’s other high-end Androids did. It makes no difference, in the end, I just thought it odd. Yes, it has SAMOLED+, I’ve compared them side-by-side and yes, the S+ does look a little better. A little, and only if you have them side-by-side. I noticed no one complained about pentile displays until someone pointed out the difference between the two. Much like the Dyson Air Multiplier commercials where he states that standard fans are “unsettling”…and suddenly people with more money than brains decided that normal fans were horrible and disturbing and they had to have that $500 bladeless fan. *shrugs* Whatever floats your boat.

  20. HAHAAHAHAHAAHAHAAHA….that is all

  21. This phone is a poor excuse for a phone. How could this not come loaded with gingerbread? Ugly physical buttons coupled with less ram than my Dinc. This phone is a joke. 4g is nice and so is the ffc. Throw in shitty touchwiz and the fact that this phone will get gingerbread 6 months after ice cream debuts just shows that Samsung doesn’t know what they are doing.

  22. Anyone else notice the disclaimers at the bottom saying LTE speed should be expected between 5-12MB? That’s no different than I get on WiMAX right now… what happened to the massive 20MB potential?

  23. Verizon will probably have some rebates to drop it to 250.00 or 200.00 or they may run some type of limited time offer to put the phone at 250.00 or 200.00. Get people to bite early and not give them time to look at other options. No way a phone with 2010 specs sale for 300.00 in 2011.

  24. It’s the Droid Charge You Too Much. This won’t sell well in the least for that much. I’m still waiting on Bionic. Or Maybe Droid X2.

  25. when are you idiots going to realize that 300 dollars is for the day it comes out?? (like ANY of you are going to buy it anyways!) As with every other phone EVER released, the price drops by half and most often to one penny from Amazon within weeks of it’s release. So WTF are you whining about?

    1. 2.2 Froyo, 1x core & 3.0 TW!? With that technology it should already be a cent on Amazon. I think most of us are just salty we get this POS and the UK is getting GS2 in 6 days.

  26. Great over priced addition for verizon they rule android with device that should’ve been released last year but decided to bring them out this year. Way to go now let’s see this tagra their talking about that might cost 350 to 400 on contract at the rates verizon has. But according to all the verizon fanboys verizon rules I can’t see how they rule anything at this rate..

  27. It’s ugly

  28. If this phone wasn’t made i bet we would’ve had the S2 inbound for us right now.

  29. I still might consider this if it is the same price as the Thunderbolt. It would have to prove to be better in battery life and call quality. Still wish it was the Galaxy S II though. Which reminds me, anyone think that darn thing will drop now that this is out…preferably before the started of tiered data?

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