
Sony Ericsson Xperia X10 to Get Android 2.3 Gingerbread [Official]


While Sony Ericsson may have moved slow to get their first Android-based product upgraded to a modern version of the operating system, they look to zoom past Froyo and provide Android 2.3 to bring it in line with the crop of new products introduced in the past couple of months. (Such as the Xperia Arc and Play.)

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They’ve announced on their blog that the Xperia X10 will get Gingerbread at the end of Q2 or early Q3. Only “generic kits” will be getting the upgrade starting out meaning those bought from retailers unlocked or not released for a specific carrier. Of course, that won’t stop the development community from trying to port the upgrade for those of you tied to a contract.

It’s the first step Sony Ericsson’s taking to do better in their Android-based ventures. They publicly came out and said they wanted to take all of what they learned from 2010 and apply it to 2011. This could have meant a few different things – such as better devices or more interaction with the after-market development community – but it’s clear that one big part of their strategy is supporting users for the long haul.

It’s a great turn around from a time where it seemed Xperia users would be stuck on Android 1.6 forever. After the X10 user-base received 2.1 Eclair, uncertainty loomed about Froyo or any other future upgrades. Fortunately, it’s not because they weren’t doing anything but because they didn’t want to promise something they couldn’t deliver.

Sony Ericsson notes that they will not be upgrading the Xperia X10 Mini and Mini Pro, and that the X10 won’t get an upgrade past 2.3.3. (Which we can understand considering we don’t even know when the next version of Android will be out.) Those on their newer handsets can at least expect Ice Cream, though, which is said to bring certain features and a bit of the style from Honeycomb to phones. Head on over to SE’s blog for the full rundown. (It’s lengthy, but I’m sure many of you will appreciate it as much as we did.)

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. Wow I bet X10 users will be really excited. So Sony went from “Not upgrading past Eclair 2.1 and now they have zoomed all the way up to Gingerbread 2.3.3. Impressive. I will definitely consider a Sony Ericsson phone in my future phones. I guess they weren’t kidding when they admitted they messed up and want to start over. Unlike…*cough* Samsung *cough*.

    1. Unlike Samsung? Samsung released 2.2 for the galaxy s last year, and their 2.3 rom has already been leaked.

      What you going on about lol…

  2. i have X10..will it apply on this too?

    1. I read the SE Blog, and it depends on the Carrier. If your X10 is unlocked, then you will get the update. AT&T/Roger may or may not get it – but some cell phone shops may be able to unlock it and install the update.

  3. my bad..X8 xD..i have x8..will it update 2? or atleast to 2.2? :(

  4. Good for Sony. I love my xperia when i had one.
    And I definitely want an Xperia Arc or play.

    I wish they would develop their sexy hardware for
    Windows Phone 7 :(

  5. “Those on their newer handsets can at least expect Ice Cream”. Did SONY say that?

    1. Sony Ericsson said that all of their 2011 models will get upgraded past Gingerbread, which means Ice Cream. So yes.

      1. Aight just checking.

  6. great news for owners of the X10, and for anyone thinking about buying Sony Ericsson really.

  7. I am happy with my X10. Sony Ericsson makes great phones and custom UX on X10 line. I run the Sony Ericsson Arch’s launcher on my X10, and I like it. For my next phone, its either HTC Sense phone or Sony Ericsson – and Sony is stepping up their game.

  8. I predict AT&T won’t get this update.

  9. This isn’t a kick in the nuts for Incredible owners.

  10. Well, this is good news. However, I’m wondering if it will ever see the light of day on AT&T, because last I heard, X10 owners on AT&T are still stuck on Donut, and don’t even have the Eclair upgrade that the rest of the world got. A co-worker of mine bought an X10, and I immediately grabbed it and flashed a clean Sony OEM Eclair ROM on it (no AT&T carrier junk, sideloading enabled). There are Froyo ROMs being worked on on XDA, but they have a lot of stuff broke still, so I figured Eclair was as good as it was going to get for now. Glad to see they’re getting more friendly to upgrades, especially with the hardware of the X10 being as powerful as it is.

  11. I´m saved

  12. SE is cheating consumers. How can they say that due to resource reasons they are prioritizing and therefore upgrading only X10 but not the Mini and MiniPro. If they were unable to do it due to hardware reasons, it was understandable, but not due to resource constraints. Mini and Mini Pro were released after the X10 and are equally if not more entitled to the upgrade.

  13. how do i update my x10 to the latest version??? evry time i tried, it’s unsuccessful… help

  14. Yeah! I believe in you SE. I know you can do that :)

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