
Samsung Nexus S 4G From Sprint Quick Take [Video]


If you guys were wondering what the Nexus S 4G on Sprint would be like, look no further. Just as you might have guessed it’s almost exactly the same as the GSM version except it doesn’t have a SIM card slot and it has a WiMax radio inside. Sprint won’t be preloading any applications, of course, as it’s a requirement for Nexus phones in America to only be loaded with Google apps. It’s a bit under a minute of footage so take a quick look above. The phone will be out sometime this Spring.

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Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. I wish they would have done this 4 months ago because I would have definitely bought that super beast instead of my Epic. Nexus S with Wimax would be so sweeet!

  2. I guess I am expecting too much but that video didnt excite me at all…not even a little. Esspecially since I had to load it on my phone because BlueCoat wont let me do anything on my work PC.

  3. A pretty useless Quick Take: Constant rocking of the phone in his hands combined being half off the screen did not put the Nexus S 4G in its best light (literally and figuratively).

  4. :( what a shame! When is Sprint going to get an android world phone! This is a big lost opportunity which could have been done easily by not removing the radios that were in the T-mobile Nexus S

  5. @Alex: Those radios take space you know…

  6. I am still surprised we havent seen an at&t version :(

  7. At&t version is your left shoe. Its about as functional as the current crop of phones fromm att.

  8. Phandroid, did you check to see if they left tethering in?

  9. so no telenav?

  10. I’d get this but the lack of a notification LED is enough for me to wait for the EVO 3D ;)

  11. Yeah did Sprint leave tethering in or remove it?

  12. One thing is for sure this will BLOW the doors off the Thunderdud from verizon. That’s the next faceoff we need to see on youtube. I welcome The Nexus S 4g just like the Atrix 4g and the Motorola Xoom 4g tablet all to the sprint family. The more the merrier now I am waiting for Samsung Galaxy S2 to make it’s apperance on sprint.

  13. It also doesn’t have a trackball/sensor which to me is a very handy feature, I had one on my super slow HTC Hero and when I upgraded to the HTC EVO 4G I really missed the ability to use the trackball to move in between characters, sure gingerbread has new UX improvements on the keyboard to accomodate for this but it is not as good as the trackball on my here was for navigating one or two characters left or right.

    I am also not sure why they don’t have the dual microphones on the Nexus S, my friends Droids have these and the speech recognition beats my EVO in noisy environments.

    I may still get one since I would love to have a pure google experience phone on Sprint. Flashing CM7 takes a lot of work and GPS doesn’t work on it so I am always going back and forth between stock and CM when I need GPS to hands down work.

    I also still want a flip android, I love flip phones, they were the best!

  14. dick shut your pie hole : )

  15. I am very excited about the google voice integration. Not necessarily because I will get a Nexus S, but because I’m hoping to see it ported to the Epic. I would love to move my number over to a stable VOIP solution that works both on my phone as well as on other devices. That way, when I’m at home I can set my cell down and carry around a different device.

  16. I might have gone with this, but why go with 4″ when you can have 4.3″? I don’t have midget hands, so give me the real estate…

  17. In case anyone comes back to this article, I had asked if Sprint left tethering in. I believe that answer is YES! I saw that the setting was still in their via an Engadget video demo of the device.


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