
Backstab For XPERIA Play To Be 1-Month Exclusive


Sony’s Playstation brand is undeniably strong and they’ve got a laundry list of gaming assets and partnerships they can leverage to turn their not-yet-released Android gaming phone – the Xperia Play – into a huge success. The device will come prepackaged with a boat load of games optimized for the XPERIA’s controls and, for a 1-month period, you’ll only be able to get “Backstab” – a Gameloft game that looks pretty sweet – on the XPERIA Play.

I find the name “Backstab” to be pretty hilarious. It would sound more typical as “Backstabber” or “Backstabbers” or but for some reason the singular version just sounds comical to me… but for some reason I also like it.

Here is what GameLoft had to say about the upcoming exclusive release:

The game, titled BackStab is set on an 18th century Caribbean island and weaves an epic tale of revenge. Hero Henry Blake has been falsely accused of treason and will go to all means to seek vengeance on his British jailers. With a game play mixing action and adventure, BackStab incorporates an open 3D environment for free roaming, dynamic combat and counter-attacks.

Sounds like a decent RPG/Action game to me! Here are a few more screenshots to hold you over.

[Via Gameloft]

Rob Jackson
I'm an Android and Tech lover, but first and foremost I consider myself a creative thinker and entrepreneurial spirit with a passion for ideas of all sizes. I'm a sports lover who cheers for the Orange (College), Ravens (NFL), (Orioles), and Yankees (long story). I live in Baltimore and wear it on my sleeve, with an Under Armour logo. I also love traveling... where do you want to go?

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  1. Gah, if this phone had a dual core I would be upgrading to it. I just can’t bring myself to pay $200 for a phone that has specs on par with my year old Incredible.

  2. Hope that the battery will hold up to all the gaming that people will undoubtedly be doing, if not then verizon will be seeing a lot of trade backs that will all fall back on Sony in the end. maybe they should distribute to all carriers besides AT&T since they’d probably wouldnt let you get anything form PS Suite anyways

  3. Battery Drain???

  4. Hopefully available Android Appstore so can be copied easily. Not taking any ad shit.

  5. @liquidcool does the incredible have a separate gfx card? I think the play does…

  6. WOW check this out. so I booted up the ps3 today and got the demo for Mortal Kombat that comes out in April, so before I download I notice something in the description… “Manufactured by NVIDIA”. name rang a bell, so i put 2 and 2 together and if this is right since Nvidia is s’posed to have its own gamestore for powerful gaming phones, maybe we can see some actual great games ported to the PSPhone considering that Sony/ Playstation owns the rights to Mortal Kombat game which is why its PS exclusive. man….. I’m seeing some real potential in the Xperia Play just because of all the great partnerships have with legit game makers, and no doubtely NaughtDog (creators of uncharted 1/2/3) will be porting an optimized version of the game over too. Knowing this, I wonder how many units this bad bot will sell. Its almost certain that all most gamers will invest their profits into this lovely beast. happy day dreaming

  7. If some version of uncharted comes to this phone I will have no choice but to get this. it’s funny watching how so many people were bent out of shape over Angry birds Rio. How about some real games for a change? :)

  8. @ ari-free – lol. But I thought the iPhone is the best portable game system… ;)

  9. Looks cool i wonder what games will be available to htc evo and such since we dont have too many buttons

  10. Is it me or does Back Stab sounds a little harsh for a game title? Sounds like something has been lost in translation here…

    Really looking forward to the release of Sony Ericsson’s Xperia Play. Those of us who like a game on the go have been crying out for a serious gamers handset for some time; hopefully the Play is it!

  11. Wow games are stepping up for a bit! I remember when I was playing nova on my ipod touch and was soo amazed now I look in to my ipod and say “meh”… But I still pity the devs who makes and app for android appstore. I mean it just get pirat-raped!

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