
HTC Thunderbolt’s User Manual Now Online


If you’ve been waiting to get the HTC Thunderbolt and want to pass some time until Thursday, why not check out this shiny new user manual that has popped up on Verizon’s website? It’s the usual round of information you’d expect to know about any Android phone, but there may be a few surprises tucked beneath over 330 pages of text. Check this .PDF file out to get started. [via Android Central]

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. Wow…I’m anticipating the TB and I welcome any news, but how utterly boring this was to skim through haha.

  2. seriously. cmon guys, dont post this as news. user guides are for idiots that dont know how to figure out such devices, and those people dont browse this website. “this is how you add a shortcut to the desktop”, wow, big news guys. Thanks. Is obvious you are struggling for content here today, but would be best to just not have anything than post boring crap like this.

  3. Get your panties out of a bunch, I see you took the time to read the post anyways

  4. @Craigmier- You got handed the golden tampon this morning huh? This is big news since there have been so many rumors about what features this phone is going to have.. AND it’s actually something official from big red. Even if they were “struggling for content” your struggling with something else. Take the tampon outta your butt, bro.

  5. lol u guys gotta stop hating on here..craigmier u just typed up a paragraph for absolutely nothing…lighten up its not the end of the world

  6. 95% of this is the basics of each and every phone but there could be something in here that might be of interest (DLNA capabilities?). @Ash – i agree. You can’t post that this was a waste of information because you’re showing everyone that you have nothing better to do

  7. @ Matt Benn – Sorry no DNLA…maybe with an update in the future?

  8. Am I the only one that sees a problem with removing the MicroSD while the phone is on??? It is now located under the battery. That means you have to remove the battery to get to the card (as stated in the instructions)… DUH!

  9. Its a 32g card. How often you think you will need to swap it out?

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