
WinAmp for Android Reaches 1.0, Adds Redesign, Significant New Streaming Features


NullSoft has just issued a final release of WinAmp in the Android market – it’s now at version 1.0. Some of the bigger features they’re touting the are some layout changes as a part of the app’s redesign and the newly-added functionality that allows users to download and stream music. Other changes are listed below, but check the free download out for yourself in the Android market.

What’s in this version:

  1. Download and stream free music
  2. Now Playing screen redesign
  3. Additional artist info including News
  4. Album art gesturing for track change
  5. Home screen redesign
  6. Browse by Genre
  7. Lock-screen player redesign
  8. Integration with Android’s “listen to” Voice Action
  9. SHOUTcast (2.2 & above) Featured Stations
  10. Fixed crash issue on Sony Ericsson Xperia series
  11. Languages: English, Dutch, German, French, Italian, Japanese, Polish, Portuguese (BR), Romanian, Russian, Spanish & Turkish


Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. And a new GPS security permission for unknown reasons. No thanks!

  2. i want an EQ in that??/

  3. I have noticed a lot of improvement. The update is a good one.

  4. Can anyone tell me if winamp will download the correct Album Art? The only app I have that downloads and shows the correct Album Art is MixZing.

  5. No gapless playback :(

  6. I’ve been a big winamp fan for years and I do enjoy it on the phone, but seriously guys, where’s the 4×4 widget?

  7. Wonder if they finally fixed the shoutcast streaming. Has never worked on any Droid X I’ve tried it on (wifi or 3g)

  8. Can’t play favorite stations on shoutcast anymore. I have to go search them or I will get a failed to play stream message.

  9. No brainer instant update, Love this thing, love shoutcast, and now free music?! duh WINNING!(xtra cheese)

  10. I like meridian, plays music and videos.

  11. Yeah, the shoutcast NEVER worked on my Droid X.

  12. Is it still laggy and battery devouring? Those were my only issues with previous versions of WinAMP for Android.

  13. i love it

  14. Thanks for the heads up, this is now my fave music player after only a few minutes with it haha

  15. PowerAmp is still better for getting album art and has better widgets and equilizer presets. Shoutcast seems to have disappeared or they have made using it counter intuitive. So until I locate it, I’ll use Android Online radio for SHOUTcast streaming. Would be nice to have an all in one solution. Although, I was never able to get it to work on my Droid X before so it’s not a total loss.

  16. um still no shoutcast support for 99% of users apparently. get TuneIn Radio. way better, has an alarm, sleep timer, and plays streaming audio without a bunch of bull.

  17. winamp is supposed to be a leader in the media player field, why are they falling so short?

  18. I tried it earlier. No ability to browse folders and play by folder. I tried several players and finally settled on PowerAMP.

  19. Can it connect to a DLNA server????

  20. Does anyone know if this has it’s own codecs or does it rely on your phone’s internal set? Only thing keeping me on my current media player is the flac support.

  21. yeh i second Poweramp too.

  22. Yea Danny the play by folder thing is why I love PowerAMP. I do like WinAmp on the PC tho.

    I didnt even have to make a playlist for 2 folders I have on my phone. PowerAmp just read the contents and played them in track order. Very nice.

  23. btw, like whatever they did to fix the spacing in the comments on phandroid. Good job phandroid admins.

  24. Awesome update. Shoutcast working flawlessly here. This is hands down my favorite music player on Android.

  25. they changed the background, and now it looks horrible on tablets with large screens.

  26. @1. Tramsgar. Please to be an idiot somewhere else.

  27. Nice to finally see an update. Unfortunately looks like the Shoutcast Favorite Stations feature is totally broken.

  28. @Troll, Tramsgar is not the only one!! go look at the market feedback posts and there’s tons more of users that are either not updating or are uninstalling because of privacy issues with the new permissions change. Kind of a curt response to a concerned user, dont you think?

  29. My Droid X worked perfect with the shoutcast.


  30. @#1
    I am sure it uses GPS to attempt to find relavent music for streaming. Why the hell is everyone so scared of their phones these days. NOBODY CARES WHERE YOU ACTUALLY ARE, WHAT YOU ARE DOING, ETC.

  31. Its a good release. Although,It seems like the Album art comes through in low resolution. I still prefer PlayerPro as my favorite music player (skinable like Winamp on PC).

  32. Bela… you’re out of your league, people are RIGHT to be concerned and act accordingly if those concerns, suspicions or fears tell them NOT to trust something, it is probably a good thing to act according to their intuition.

    Lest we forget the reports of the MILLIONS of LOCATION requests by authorities on peoples handsets, OUTSIDE of warrant procedure, lol, I’m sure none of those are just stalking, ex-boyfriend/girlfriend, nosey neighbor requests – right?

    Anyway, hands down best music player on a PC. I wasn’t impressed with the Android effort but will give the 1.0 a shot, ultimately, I don’t think my opinion will change though for now.

    My $.02…
    Regards :)

  33. Cool, You’re talking about Obummer watching everyone that isn’t a Brown Shirt supporter of his right?

    Evil lurks in this corrupt administration.

  34. lol @ no EQ

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