
More Sidekick Conversion Details: Early Samsung Upgrade Offer Extended to April 19th, Android Version Out Before June


Courtesy of the folks at TmoNews we have some more details about folks who are coming from the Danger-enabled Sidekick that’ll be shut down May 31st. Those who choose to upgrade to a Samsung-made phone for 50% off will now have until April 19th to do so – the cut-off date was the 5th of April, previously.

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal

Those who prefer to go with another manufacturer can still get their upgrade up until May 31st – doomsday for Danger. After this time, all offers may be considered null and void, so be sure to act on them as soon as possible.

And if you were one of the few planning on upgrading to the new 4G-enabled Sidekick device made by Samsung expect it to be out by May 31st. That could happen anytime between now and then, but we don’t expect to hear much of anything until after CTIA on March 21st.

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. Wonderful, too bad my gf didn’t wait, she wanted a QWERTY phone but didn’t want any of the current offerings and got a gs4g

  2. That sucks. T-Mobile should at least let them upgrade to the new SK if they choose to. Or at least keep the network up until the new SK comes out.

  3. Do any of these Android phones allow data only for the Deafas most Deaf people are using the Sidekick for its data only plans. The deaf will not have any Android phones to switch to if not allowed data only.

  4. I think there are still data-only smartphone plans but T-Mobile does not advertise them online anymore – you’d have to work it out in store.

  5. Um, where does it say Sidekick 4G will be out before june?

  6. Will this affect pre paid customers

  7. I dint have a data plan according to tmobile but I do cause they made a mistake and I pay nothing. They sent me a letter saying I won’t be affected by this and no deals were specified in my letter

  8. @Rob Um, on the line where it says it’ll be out by May 31st. Very first line, in fact.

  9. This is bull shit. The sidekick users should be able to get a discount on any phone and the discount should be available longer than just April.

  10. uhh, kendra? That’s exactly what they are doing. :/

  11. I agree with Rob — Where in the pic does it say the Sidekick will be out before June?? Or did this come from another source?? and if so — NAME THE SOURCE!

  12. Robert, Tmobile still offers a data and messaging only plan for Deaf customers on android devices. My sister had that plan on her sidekick and then upgraded to a mytouch3g and now on her g2. You just have to go through customer service to get it since it isn’t a standard plan.

  13. Quentyn, did you read the picture?

    Not only is it not in the first line, it is nowhere in the picture.

    I’m not saying it isn’t possible, but please don’t post speculation as fact.

  14. so will we be able to just put our sim card in another phone or do we absolutely have to go through t mobile?

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