
Xperia Arc Launcher Available for Download


If you haven’t used the new launcher Sony Ericsson’s using for the latest in their Xperia line, then you haven’t lived. (OK, it isn’t that cool.) Anyway, the launcher that they’ll be using for phones such as the Xperia Arc and the Xperia Play is now available for download. You don’t even need to be rooted! All it requires is the installation of a simple .APK file and you’ll be on your way. Go ahead and grab it from here, courtesy of XDA. [via Droid-Life]

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[Update]: The above link is for devices with 854×480 resolution, such as Motorola’s family of devices. If you’re rocking 800×480 (most high-end HTC and Samsung devices), you’ll need to grab a specific version for that from here.

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. Tried this launcher yesterday and there is absolutely nothing special or exciting about it at all. Unless I’m missing something special about, it sucks!

  2. I tried this out. It looks really ugly imo. So I went back to LauncherPro on my Nexus S.

  3. this launcher is actually really cool

  4. Not impressed, and oh yeah FIRST

  5. FAIL!!!

  6. This Launcher is very impressive. At least give it a try.

  7. Ive been using it but didnt realize it was mentioned on phandroid!

    Its okay, what i like about it is speed.

  8. trying it out on my epic 4g

  9. it would be nice if this is how OEMs dealt with launchers. i’d rather have a stock experience with the option to download a launcher.

  10. It’s IMHO better than the default Gingerbread launcher. Pretty slick and functional.

  11. Which one Is the high end download link?

  12. Does this work on the optimus 2x and if so how do i install this , hoping to hear from someon who can help

  13. Using it on my Droid X. Its responsive but doesn’t give to be able to customize it. All I did was rename the extension to APK

  14. I think it’s pretty nice but I wish it had some widgets included.

  15. It has a couple of cool animations, but other than that, I don’t see any reason to use it. None of the Xperia widgets are included and it prevents me from using my Launcher Pro+ widgets.

  16. Running great on my T-Mobile G2! Love the ability to customize how my apps are organized in the drawer but I’m sad no wallpapers were included. Definitely worth a try.

  17. Super redraw on my droid 2.had to uninstal

  18. Love it on my droid x.

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