URLs For New Sprint Devices Are Live, But Not Ready [Confirmation]

Yesterday, rumors began of new Sprint devices that’d be unveiled at CTIA later this month. Those phones included an EVO 3D, an EVO View (HTC tablet) and a Samsung Nexus S 4G. If the rumor itself didn’t do anything for you, then perhaps recent placeholders for those phones on Sprint’s own site will.

Heading to now.sprint.com/nexus brings you to a placeholder page saying that something will be there soon. Replacing “nexus” with “evo3d” and “evoview” simply redirects you to Sprint’s main site – a usual sign that the URL will be used for something in the future. Be with us starting March 21st as we’ll be in Orlando covering the event where these are expected to be revealed. [Engadget]

[Update]: Looks like they are now forbidding access to those URLs. We’ve got you, Sprint. We’ve got you.

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