
Things We Missed, You Shouldn’t [March 7th]


As of a report from comScore released today, Android has overtaken BlackBerry as the number 1 smartphone operating system in the US. It is also a new week and the HTC Thunderbolt has yet to get an official release date. See what else has been going on below.

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal
Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

Opera Launches Mobile App Store

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With a $1B Down Payment from Microsoft, Android Never Had a Chance with Nokia

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  1. F!RST

  2. When is the damn android 2.2 update going to be released again for the epic 4g? You have insiders, can you find out?

  3. Attention all of my gays! GRINDR is now available in the market! It took a few times for it to act right, but it is nice.

  4. w00t for the gays :)

  5. Erich, don’t feel bad, ibwas dumb enough to buy a fascinate an I’m still rocking a shitty leaked build with no official word as to when I’ll even see fray. I’ve said it again and again, samsung may have the biggest cell blunder of all time with the galaxy s line in the states, put the beat hardware ever made in a phone, with the most powerful CPU/GPU combo and cripple it with their buttjiz. It’s aobcrippled it isn’t funny. The sad thing is that in CPU and GPU benchmarks it blows my EVO, droid X, and incredible out of the water. It even has no problem playing games that supposedly can only be played by the holy tegra 2, but yet it can only do gmail and no exchange, at least it’s not worth a shit, and u can’t even access the SD ard with the dl09 update. I would rather use my htc touch pro lol(never again) but u get the point

  6. I can’t figure out how to sync Songbird! I downloaded the app to my Droid 1 and the program to my computer. Help please!

  7. @Erich, where have u been? 2.2 has been out for a while now for the epic! i’m currently running it. N i gotta say, it’s awesome! I read(phandroid) that the update was pulled due to bugs… I’ll suggest u check out the xda forum website under epic 4g, u might get what ur looking for. with (official)2.2 running on my epic, i get about a day+ battery life. I even play gun bros for hours with no problem. I heard the unofficial version 2.3 is already out for galaxy S(way to go samy!) @Kaizzle9, i would appreciate it if u let me know where to find the the Tegra 2 compatible games.

  8. A sprint store by mr said they are gonna release another ota update by the end of the month. I checked out the xda forum and couldn’t understand it. I’m not that good with computer shit and im afraid of messing up my phone. The only reason I want the update is so I can move apps to my sd card and get flash. Other than that, I’m god with how it runs now. I still have the file from samsung on my computer but I can’t get my computer to recognize my phone and can’t get the usb drivers to install

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