
Android Jobs in High Demand, Says Dice


I’m not really surprised by this, but here it goes anyway. did what it does and scoured the internet for job postings for specific fields. As of today, there are 987 jobs available on that site alone. In comparison, the iPhone is pulling more than 970.

It may appear that the iPhone has been beaten, but this doesnt take into account other terms companies might use to describe the services they need – such as iOS – nor does it take into account iPad developers.

Still, it’s comforting to see that Android jobs have grown in demand right along with the iPhone from just a year ago: iPhone ‘s 312 to Android’s 273. We can only hope that the growth in demand continues throughout 2011 as tablet versions of Android applications are created for a market that’s expected to blow up over the next couple of years. [via Business Week]

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. Time to polish my resume.

  2. What kind of jobs? Just development or a whole array?

  3. i would love to learn how to code for android. i have some great ideas

  4. I agree, I would love to learn to code for android. Great ideas are there, and it would be nice to integrate android into a lot of different things

  5. Great piece but you forgot to link to Dice. Share the love!

  6. I go to a number of meetups thorough which have talks for a particular group in Silicon Valley. The Android meetup group has by far the most job positions posted to that group or announced during a meeting. I don’t go to any IPhone or IOS meetups so I can’t tell you the job market in that technology.

    Most positions though are for Android developers. I think there are a lot of people have ideas for Android Apps and the business knowhow to start a company. The part they’re missing is somebody to actually code the application.

  7. ^—We are right there. Have a few solid application ideas along with our full gfx team, but it doesn’t write the code. Been looking hard for a programmer wanting to make a name for himself. But have not found the best avenue to pursue that until now. Thanks for the tip!

  8. While I certainly think that working with Android day to day would be enjoyable, I wonder if that would just make me sick of it or not :)


  9. why the hell should they?

  10. Wow, IT sure is in demand lately. Obviously because gadgets just keep getting upgraded every few months I suppose. Manufacturers definitely need to hire great minds if they want to keep up with today’s tech market.

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