WiFi-Only Version of HTC Flyer Looking to Cost 499 Euros, Says Pre-Order

Sticker shock plagued the eyes of many when we learned of initial pricing for the HTC Flyer: it would appear most would have to spend upwards of 669 euros for the Android 2.4 tablet with a bigger version of HTC Sense on top. A WiFi-only model is in the works, though, and one pre-order page for it has already gone up.

Cyberport is listing it for 499 euros, a considerable amount cheaper than whatever 3G version Amazon Germany outed a well ago. We know most of you on here are only interested in WiFi-only models of devices, so It’ll be interesting to hear your thoughts on the pricing HTC’s going with. (If Cyberport is to be believed, of course.) Leave those thoughts in the comments section below. [Netbook News]

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