
KB1 Froyo Build for the Samsung Captivate Leaks


If I am recalling correctly, the Samsung Vibrant and Samsung Epic 4G are thus far the only US Galaxy S phones to receive their update to Android 2.2. The Samsung Captivate has had its fair share of hopeful moments, too, such as an update page that went live but was quickly pulled after word got around. Now a new leaked build of Froyo for the Captivate might signal the the update is just around the corner for Galaxy S owners on AT&T.

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This build is numbered as I897UCKB1, but we will call it KB1 for short. If you are into taking risks and rooting, the ROM is available for installation right now over at XDA.

[via AndroidCentral]

Kevin Krause
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  1. You have to root to install this leaked build? I have installed leaked builds of 1.5 on my G1 and 2.2 on my Nexus One without having to root.

  2. Wow 2.3.3 is what’s being sent to phones now and they are still only talking about getting 2.2, so far behind the curve it isn’t funny.

    2.2 must be the end of the update line for the Galaxys s phones, so if you want to stay upto date root your phone and get the latest stable roms when they come out.

  3. Sorry to start all this again, but WTF is sanding doing? I have had a fascinate for Verizon and the last update they put out stopped us from accessing our SD as a drive. Total garbage, I’m not having it anymore the sad thing is that these are such powerful phones but with the limitations that are put on them out of the box, why waste the money, and sanding already has new 4g iterations of these Phobes soon to be dropped on all carriers. Just goes to prove that none of their products will be supported in the future. Instead of taking care of their present customers, they won’t to take care of their future ones. I could be wrong but, isn’t it cheaper to keep a customer than to get a new one? I’m just wondering. Do yourself a favor and buy htc, even motorola has kept their phones updated better than Sammy, hell even apple does a better job. I hate to say it but they screwed the most powerful line of phones ever made with no froyo and the bottleneck that is RFS filesystem

  4. leaked FroYo builds for the Cappy have been around since November of last year. I don’t think this signals much other than they are still working with ATT and having a hard time doing it, because the leaked builds months ago worked fine without ATT crap installed. At least they’re still releasing new versions I suppose….. I don’t care anyway, I’m running JS5, 2.2.1 i9000

  5. Update coming tomorrow – AT&T announced it on Facebook http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jEVfe8FlCv4

  6. Per Samsung’s Galaxy S Twitter feed @GalaxySsupport

    Samsung and AT&T are pleased to confirm to #Captivate users that the Android 2.2 upgrade will be available tomorrow (2/24)

    Not sure how it’s coming, but it’s coming!!

  7. So much potential wasted with the Galaxy S line. Sigh. My first and last Samsung phone. Actually, with the warranty replacements for defective units, I guess it would be more accurate to say my first, second, and third, but still last samsung phone.

  8. This is the news I got today hopefully its true will call provider to confirm it! @SamsungMobileUS Great news for Samsung Captivate owners! The Android 2.2 upgrade is coming tomorrow 2/24 – http://ow.ly/41WP3

  9. Yeah, I agree, first thru fifth and last samsung phone. The biggest waste of potential to ever come out. The end, hands down, period

  10. I just got 2.2 and installed it on my Captivate. As expected, it is no longer rooted. Unfortunately, the “one-click” root processes no longer works. At first the process to copy the “update.zip” file to the /sdcard failed. I manually copied it but still would not install it (verification failed).

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