
HTC Aria’s Froyo Update Still in the Works, Says AT&T [Video]


In a move I wish most cellular companies would start emulating, AT&T’s took to YouTube with a Q&A session from within. They sat their “Android guy” into the hot seat with the questions you guys are always asking here: where’s the Aria update and, hell, where’s the update to 2.2 for ALL of AT&T’s phones?

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At least for the Aria, Dante Martin – AT&T’s Senior Android Project Manager – says it’s sitting on his personal phone right now. It’s definitely still coming. As for other phones, they gave the usual “we want to go through exhaustive testing and make sure users get the best possible experience” speil. It’s not the most riveting Q&A session we’ve seen – nor is it the longest – but the video’s above for your own pleasure and/or scrutiny.  [Thanks, Ace!]

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. Vote for Android in LinkedIn pull – iPhone is at the lead at the moment: http://www.linkedin.com/osview/canvas?_ch_page_id=1&_ch_panel_id=1&_ch_app_id=1900&_applicationId=1900&_ownerId=0&appParams={%22section%22:%22vote%22,%22poll_id%22:123465}

  2. Vote for Android in LinkedIn poll – iPhone is leading at the moment: http://linkd.in/ePYJ59

  3. Why? It’s a waste. I only like the yellow interior! The rest sucks cock!

  4. sweet, i’ve been waiting for this! i really like the aria but have been hampered by the shortage of internal storage capacity. to add a new application i have to delete one. i also have to clear out my text message inbox, especially if they contain picture attachments. i’m hoping 2.2’s ability to install/move applications to the sd card will alleviate this issue.

  5. Got HSUPA?????

  6. I don’t know why they are taking so long. I have been running Gingerbread on mine since december with absolutely no issues.

  7. Running 2.3 for a while now.

  8. I personally think there is a flaw or something wrong with 2.2 and that is why it is taking so long for everybody to bring out their updates because of extensive testing and even after that testing there is still buggy isses

  9. #abrcmdl: The update has been available in Europe/Asia for months now. I think that it is getting all of AT&T’s bloatware and restrictions (disabling HSUPA, tethering, sideloading, etc) which is why it has been taking long.

  10. I’ve already got 2.3 on my Aria……. What’s the point?

  11. That’s att for you! I ask why they do that to an att seller. She had a ???????

  12. nice! now liberated froyo can use the official rom rather than the gratia rom from hong kong (probably not much of a difference, though). Good to see at&t didn’t forget this phone. It may not be a powerhouse, but it does pack a punch, and I like it.

  13. @msgnyc A lot of people are afraid to root, or mess with custom ROMs. So the only update’s they’ll get are the official ones.

  14. AT&T always take too damn long to update

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