
Epic 4G Owners: Calendar Not Syncing After EB13 Froyo Upgrade? [Forum Talk]


Many of you have already gotten the upgrade to Android 2.2 – either through a manual install or from Sprint’s official over-the-air process – for the Samsung Epic 4G, and with that comes the usual bug or two. One that I noticed personally that has been driving many crazy over at Android Forums is calendar data seemingly disappearing.

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Don’t be alarmed: your calendar entries most likely have not disappeared from Google’s servers. They were just wiped away from the phone’s local storage somehow throughout the upgrade process, but it’s very easy to get things back to where they should be. Simply go to the settings menu, hit Applications, then Manage Applications, then switch to the “All” tab. Now find “Calendar” and “Calendar Storage” and hit clear data on both of those.

Your calendar items will show up the next time your device syncs itself, but you can force the sync if you get worried. Just goto “Accounts and sync” in the settings menu, touch your Google account, and uncheck then recheck the Calendar. From there, you should see the sync icon pop up. After it’s finished, head back into the calendar to find all of your appointments and entries where they should be.

Be sure to drop a note in our Samsung Epic 4G troubleshooting and support sub-section at Android Forums.com if you run into any more bugs. Chances are someone will have an answer you’re looking for. [Android Forums]

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. How about web pages are buggy as hell now. when you pinch to zoom, the screen looks like a big checker board. Sloppy!

  2. Fail again! Times 7!

  3. Set it to auto-sync…works every time.

  4. whew! i thought i was the only one with this calendar problem. But i’m still going ahead and resetting my device. I have to much on it.

  5. Anyone have trouble with a Google sign in error after the upgrade

  6. My mom got the phone a few days ago. Shes new to android so she’s adjusting and learning the ins and outs. Apparently she got the update today and sometime after she upgraded, there was a Google sign in error (exclamation mark in the notification bar). After she re-signed in, all has been good to go as far as I know.

  7. I’m having issues with all the keyboards. Examples: swype keyboard- will predict words but won’t pull up names text or email until u have typed the whole name and “spacebarred” or selected the type from swypes pediction. Samsung keyboard- will predict text but won’t auto punctuate and you can’t turn off the key sound. Android keyboard- won’t predict text (only contact names) won’t auto punctuate (like double space period input). Device keyboard/qwerty- won’t auto punctuate anymore. I do have all thes options selected in the settings menu.

  8. Thanks so much!! Was really annoyed about this…

  9. I downloaded 2.2 via samsung site. And my music player and camera wount work. Can someone help

  10. Been working without a hitch for me.

  11. Well its Thursday and still no OTA update WTF takes so long my evo was always updated first day cant wait to see my phone get screwed if or when the update comes

  12. I upgraded via the Mac Update.zip file with the phone. I have had no problems at all. Did a factory reset before the update and now everything works smoother and faster. I did notice the “checker board” in the browser but only when trying to zoom out of a page that was displaying at 100% size I.E. trying to zoom out when already fully zoomed out. I also have not had any issues with Google sign in or the calendar sync. Actually the calendar app seems to respond to changes faster.

  13. For those having problems, check the Epic subforum for solutions. In general a data wipe smooths out any issues.

    One thing I’m curious about (still on DK28) is if the official update also lumps all phone calls and texts in the call log, still, or if it’s not configurable to change that. If that’s taken care of I might switch to the official, but otherwise I’ll probably stick with DK28.

  14. @Sean: I looked in my Call Log and it now separates all calls and text messages so you can see how many calls or texts you have from someone. on top of that, in the call log you can drag a person’s name to the left and it will change the name to “message” and you can then touch that to send them a message or drag right to “Call” and then touch to call.

  15. Edit: you do not need to touch the name. Drag left to Message and drag right to call.

    Many changes that all seem to be a benefit. I Will work to compile a list of changes and possibly update the Epic 4g Wiki.

  16. On 2.1 I never had the GPS issues others had. Now in 2.2 it’s taking forever to find satellites and when it does it’s losing them.

  17. DON’T DO THIS!!!! I was having this problem with my google calendar and followed these recommendations. Yeah, it restored my google calendar, BUT IT ERASED ALL OF MY CALENDAR EVENTS THAT WERE SAVED AND STORRED ON THE PHONE’S CALENDAR TOO. Any fix to restore those events?

  18. I have an error on my screen. It has a picture of chuck norris?

  19. Hulk smash, that’s not an error. That’s the latest hit game, “Angry Birdbrains”!

  20. My Epic has been working great. Finally, no lag!
    But my GPS has me a half mile from where I should be.

  21. Awesome! Thanks. It took a bunch of google searches to find this, but finally my calendar has populated the missing info.

  22. Update for Epic 4G pulled, people. Pulled by Sprint and Samsung. No more updates until further notice. Update has many bugs in it. to fix them, Epic 4g users will need to HARD RESET the phone. My advice: AVOID THIS UPDATE AT ALL COSTS!

  23. Matt I’m glad I read your post because I was worried about that very issue. I have a lot of events not in my google calendar that I can not afford to lose. And I certainly do not want to individually convert all my calendar events into google. smh I will keep reading to see if there is another solution. Sorry that you lost some of your info.

  24. I did the over-the-air upgrade on my Epic 4G and it’s been buggy ever since.

    1. The Android Keyboard no longer works on auto correct. The suggestion window itself appears, but it’s like the entire dictionary is empty. Names from contacts are the only things that it ever suggests, and it’s basically quit working usefully as far as autocorrecting goes. VERY annoying since I’m ham-handed and I count on the AC to fix things for me.

    2. The Messaging icon now falsely reports that a message I just got done reading is still unread, until I go back in yet again. A message comes in while I’m in the messaging program, so I flip over to it, or else I use the notifications drop down to access it. I reply to it, and then exit messaging. The messaging icon says I have one new message, but it isn’t new. I have to re-open messaging, re-open the most recently sent message, and then close for a second time before it quits reporting a new message on the icon itself.

  25. I’m glad I got the update directly from the website before it got pulled. Everything seems to be working great except zooming in and out on the browser. My screen gets displayed as a grey and white checker board whenever I use pinch-to-zoom.

  26. Thanks for the relatively easy calender fix. The guy at the Sprint store wanted me to come in and retro back to Android 2.1 to fix. I give him a call in the AM and tell him to check out these forums when Sprint, Samsung & Google don’t respond.

  27. having to hard reset your phone (meaning wipes all your data and settings and preferences) to get the update to work accurately??? Sorry, I will NEVER do that for a silly update that comes from the phone’s maker. An update that screws up your stock phone? I am not rooted and the update is a joke.

    DO NOT TRUST ANY UPDATE FROM SAMSUNG until at least 2 weeks after it is released.

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