Gartner: Android Goes From Dead Last to Second Biggest OS in the World

More number crunching for you today. In a year-over-year report that doesn’t surprise us, Gartner reveals Android’s market share in all of 2010. How’d they do? They ranked second, with Symbian still holding the lead by a good margin.

They had 22.7% of the market share in 2010, with Symbian owning 37.6%. In 2009, Android was dead last – they owned 3.9%. (Not counting the dreaded “other” category here.)

The trend has been RIM, Symbian and Microsoft steadily declining, iOS remaining stagnant, and Android growing beyond building 44’s wildest dreams. Gartner expects Android to be the number one operating system in the world by 2014. They accurately predicted that Android would be second before 2011 back in September.  [CNET]

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