
Sony Ericsson LiveView Update Raises Plugin Limit to 30


Those of you who have purchased the Sony Ericsson LiveView accessory can download a new upgrade for the device starting today. Thanks to the growing number of third party plugins in the Android market – more than 30 – they’ve raised the limit you can install to that number. Other changes include greater compatibility and stability with non-Sony Ericsson phones as well as general bug fixes. You should be able to update it using their update application. More information on updating can be found at their support site. [via Sony Ericsson]

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. do u know if this works for the htc evo 4g

  2. If anybody even cares… here is the “official” list of the 30 plugins from the Sony Erickson site…

    Anybody own one of these? How do you like it?

  3. Is this thing any good?

  4. I just got mine, haven’t had much time to play with it though. But, I like what I’ve seen so far.

  5. Its ok. Not as great as I thought it would be. I use it daily. You can look at text messages and who’s calling you without taking your phone out of the pocket. Music player control isn’t that great, but it works.

  6. Does anyone know when the LiveView will be officially available in the US?

    I seems odd that they wouldn’t be selling it here.

  7. Well, have burned another hour on the LiveView with no success on my HTC Desire. Updated the firmware, reinstalled the Android app. Still doesn’t work :-(

  8. @Scott – (if any of this helps). The first time you link your device, and you go into bluetooth settings, make your phone “discoverable”, and hold the liveview PowerButton for like 5 seconds so it can pair.

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