
Flash Player Updates to Version


A new, minor update to Adobe’s Flash Player 10.1 for Android has hit the market. The new update brings Flash’s version number to, though a lack of change log or blog announcement from Adobe suggests this is another minor update providing fixes and tweaks here and there. Among other things this could include compatibility enhancements for newer versions of Android such as Gingerbread and Honeycomb. We’ll dig into it a bit more, but we doubt the results will be all that revealing or exciting.

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  1. Like all I can say to this update is…..
    “FIRST”!!!!!!!!!! Lol

  2. Seconded ^ lame + immature = Fail

  3. Probably just an update for better tegra 2 support. Getting ready for the dual core phones and what-not.

  4. Uninstalled Flash on my phone. I have to partially agree with Jobs on this one. The performance was mediocre at best. Perhaps with the later generations of phones it’s better…

  5. @gilbert u my friend are an idiot…it just works

  6. I agree with vernon but dude, the guys name is Dibert not Gilbert. Okay Arnie? Que the Gilbert Grape quotes lol

  7. @vernon – I’m an idiot? Nice comment, and you’re not my friend. I tried it on a Nexus One, yes it worked, but it was slow – too slow. Not worth using on a daily basis.

  8. yea, seems to have some tegra-improvements.
    the market version now works on my tegra2 tablet, and video’s from no longer freeze(videos would freeze while the player and sound would continue)

  9. @Dilbert The point is that you have to choice to use it. Sometimes there is no other way round and its nice to have that option. Sometimes people like having options.

  10. * the choice

  11. @Dilbert: I’ve N1 w/ Flash as well but it’s not slow on my phone. Also, I agree w/ Ban that it is all about options!!!

  12. Hi,Any idea if and how can i get flash player on huawei ideos .it not shows it on the google market(Australia time….)Thanks for that!

  13. I have a original droid (rooted 1.1mgz running Project Elite 4.1) and it’s still pretty much useless they all stutter. (all other aspects of my phone fly though with these changes.)

    However, it is helpfull opening flash only websites where the entry page loads all in flash.
    for example-
    before flash, page wouldn’t even load to get past first screen. Some hotel websites also use this as kinda slideshow off the side. Works well there.

    But, my friends later Anroid phones (Droid Incredible, Samsung Galaxy, Evo,) all run very smooth. I’ll just chalk it to smaller RAM on older device/tech

    Still– I have the option! Better than apple can do. (Oh yeah, I do use Skyfire also!)

  14. You people need to learn to set flash to “on demand only”

  15. It works great on my motorola milestone2. Also air aps look good. It’s great to have options. Also it’s important to note that even some mobiles has froyo and fp10, they lack of the cpu power to run properly some apps being them native android apps or other kinds, it’s not fair to blame flash. Other times flash apps devs not pay too much attention to cpu compsumption, but this issue also happens on javascript and html apps. It’s great to have the option to choosee. Thanks.

  16. @dilbert, I use flash quite often on my DX and it works flawless. One thing Jobs right on is, I can use my phone to watch porn if I want to :). That is not an option on iphony devices.

  17. Flash has been working fine on my SGS since it was available… smooth with no major issues. The only time I can complain is when I hit a site that is heavily overloaded with flash content then it grinds to an almost halt. But saying that, its the same on my laptop so it’s not the phones or Adobes fault..

  18. Eating up 11.3 MB on my N1. What a memory hog.

  19. Flash works well on my Evo 4g since it is available. :)

  20. The 11mb is the size of the application installed on the phone’s internal storage, being the size of my milestone 2 (droid2) apx 7gb I can’t see how 11mb could be a storage problem. Also please don’t confuse storage size with runtime memory consuption size. Rumtime memory consumption could be way much more or much less. This memory consumption fact applies also for any kind of application and are not a flashplayet issue. Also enormous cpu power usage could be caused by pure html and javascript apps, this depends on the quality of the work of the developer and not of the browser or flashplayer.

  21. At least you all don’t own an EPIC, Sprint’s most expensive phone, who can’t even give us 2.2 to even think of FLASH…

  22. @sjtimkojr. Google flash 2.1 and you’ll find a link to download flash for non-2.2 devices.

  23. bcos of playng frm ville i’m updating this

  24. I usually post jack on any site, but realy have to agree with Dilbert about playback / peformance. Dont agree so much about having ‘options’. If my dvd player started jumping during a film, it would probaby soon find an axe imbedded in it, whist hurtling out of a top floor window, on fire. Putting up with this and stating it’s about ‘options’ tells me that u probably have issues, maybe that ur mum grounded u too much as a kid or still does.
    I know it’s early days for phone technology still, but im really surprised by the seemingly lack of interest to make flash (one of the core elements of the web) compatible with android.

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