
Sony Ericsson Reiterates They’re Staying Committed to Android


If you didn’t believe them once, then Sony Ericsson wants to tell you again: they’re all in with Android and it’ll probably stay that way for a while. They didn’t say all of their eggs would remain in the Android basket forever – citing missed opportunities – but professes that adopting other mobile operating systems such as Meego and Windows Phone 7 aren’t something they’re looking at until the ecosystems for those grow and improve.

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We know Sony Ericsson isn’t a one OS OEM: they were one of Symbian’s biggest (and last) supporters up until early 2010, and they had a few WinMo products to offer. But for them to adopt Windows Phone 7 or any other free-for-all OS, they’ll need to see overwhelming developer support and undeniable mind share from investors, users, developers, and anyone else involved.

It’s not unlike Motorola who – while they’ve been one of the biggest Android-exclusive manufacturers – aren’t against taking a look at other options sometime in the future. Just don’t expect that future to be tomorrow, next month, or even next year. [via Pocket-Lint]

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. The leaks about the PS phone have gotten annoying.

  2. lets give them the benefit of the doubt then. clean slate. they’ve owned up and said they havent performed good enough with android updates and specs etc, so lets give them another chance and wish them well.

    Sony Ericsson making good android phones is a very good thing for android in general.

  3. Committed to android? How about actually upgrading your devices. I’ll believe you’re committed when I see it.

  4. And the crickets begin chirping. Sony needs to go play with themselves (more), then so does Samsung afterwards.

  5. I wished they would come out with a SE Windows phone 7 device. In my opinion, the best OS i’ve used with Android being a nearly close 2nd with some of the sexiest hardware i’ve used(reminiscent of Xperia X10 and the new Xperia Arc)

  6. I was so close to buying the X10 when I bought my Acer Liquid E.

    I think I made a good choice.

    Would not buy a SE product for a few years, they have to prove them selves

  7. after sony’s stunt against geohot et al, i couldn’t care less what they do. i’ll never,ever buy anything sony. glad my x10 is end of life and i didn’t get sued for rooting it.

  8. being committed to Android and committed to their customers are to different things. My girlfriend has the X10 Mini, and I can guarantee that due to the amount of time it took to upgrade it, a SE phone will not be in our upgrade path. They are now going to have to prove themselves before I buy another phone from SE

  9. Just wish SONY Ericsson would at least make a 4G Android Device. Cause the ARC doesn’t seems my liking in their phones any more. Plus the X10 I used to have never got 2.1 or 2.2 update very disappointing in you SONY.

  10. Upgrade Android on your phones and I’ll take your commitment seriously Sony.

  11. I strongly wish that they resolve issues with exiting Xperia series phones and update them to what other manufacturers have already done.

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