Xperia Play Video Clues Make Us Wonder: Sprint? Google TV Integration? [CURIOUSITY]

It’s 11:11 (in the video) but apparently this guy’s wishes were already answered: he is, afterall, playing with the Sony Ericsson Xperia Play. And “he”, according to the source’s YouTube Account, comes from Don’t let anxious and eager drift into jealous and envy as you watch 2-minutes of toying with what may become Android’s breakout gaming device:

For those unaware, the Xperia Play is Sony’s take at a Playstation Phone and they’re not hiding that- in the app tray you can clearly stay a “Playstation” application which one would hope runs Playstation games, a playstation store, an emulator, or some type of custom Playstation experience. But we already knew all that. However, I’m intrigued by a few details of this video and I can’t help but speculate (or at least think wishfully).

At the start of the video we see in the upper right the word “m:tel”. This could stand for a few mobile carriers but websites at and seem to fit the bill. Probably just the game dev using a SIM card but interesting nonetheless. This also probably means the video wasn’t recorded by the same person who runs the YouTube account. Hmmm… maybe we SHOULD investigate that YouTube account…

On Interactive Gaming Studio’s website I’m a bit surprised their “About Us” page talks about being Intel developers, WebOS developers, iPhone developers, iPad developers, and Sprint developers, but not a peep about Android? Maybe that means they got this phone through the Sprint developer program? Could this be what David Blaine is helping Sprint announce on February 7th? We’ve seen the Xperia Play on AT&T already so that would mean Sony would need both CDMA and GSM versions prepared. That would be an awesome announcement for Sprint, that’s for sure.

Google TV Integration?
What if the Xperia Play worked with your Google TV? Or excuse me… your SONY INTERNET TV. We already know it has Android Market. So it should be able to play Android Games. It already works with peripheral devices- you’ve seen the Logitech Revue and Sony Internet TV controller right? Now check out what appear to be indicator lights on the top left of the phone at about 1:44 in the video. Maybe they have nothing to do with acting as a remote that works with Google TV or even you existing Playstation. But maybe they do. And by the way… how freaking awesome would that be?

I’m not sure what the chances are that the Xperia Play will land on Sprint, but I’d enjoy seeing that on February 7th. Will it integrate with Google TV? No clue, but if it does, I’d consider it bigger than any announcement made at CES. Regardless, we get a good 2-minute look at all facets of the Xperia Play hardware in this video which is pretty good in and of itself. While the speculation is based on real clues in a real video, when you WANT something to happen sometimes you read into it. And now I rest my thoughts at the feet of our beloved commenters.

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