
Google Goggles Updated to be Faster, Make You Look Smarter by Solving Sudoku Puzzles


Google’s boasting a significant increase in Goggles’ speed and accuracy when scanning life’s unfamiliars in its latest update – nothing to make too much noise about, I’d think. But it was Google’s cool little note that it could solve a sudoku puzzle at breakneck speed that kept my attention. I’m not a sudoku player at any capacity, and while I’m sure I wouldn’t want to suck the fun out of it using an Android phone if I were a player, I’d probably use this if a national championship were on the line. I didn’t even know there were national championships for sudoku, I’m embarrassed to admit. I’m sure phones will be banned at these competitions now.

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Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. This is pretty neat!

  2. I’m gonna solve the $#!t outta Sudoku now!

  3. Just tried it out. It works with sudoku lol

  4. Can it do cross-word puzzles yet – I don’t want to have to think anymore.

  5. Who cares, when it can scan a woman’s face and tell me what is going through her head, then I’ll be amazed. :P

  6. 4. chimphappyhour wrote on January 11, 2011

    Who cares, when it can scan a woman’s face and tell me what is going through her head, then I’ll be amazed. :P


  7. Hey chimp, if your idea works, maybe Doc Brown’s greatest mystery will be solved after all!!

  8. I still want to be able to take a picture of someone and it look up their name or at least find other photos of the same person. If anything I just want to see what pics of me are out there =/

    I know they have the technology for it and I remember reading somewhere that they left it out on purpose, but idk.

  9. Now it just needs to be able to solve complex mathematical formulas and I’ll do better in school!

  10. Alexander – As in last week’s Big Bang Theory?

  11. @chimp: Oh, I don’t know. I don’t watch that show.

  12. This is great. I love Suduko.

  13. @ Daniel
    See the YouTube videos on the app. Don’t know when the app will be released though.

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