
AT&T Soon to Drop Motorola Backflip, Xperia X10


It looks like two rather lackluster Android handsets are meeting their demise on AT&T in the coming months. The Motorols Backflip will reach end-of-life on February 2nd, while the Sony Ericsson Xperia X10 will do the same come March 6th. Both phones fell short of anything spectacular, so it is questionable how much they will really be missed once AT&T stops pedaling the handsets in their retail outlets.

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In the meantime, the carrier suggests the Motorola Flipout and Samsung Captivate as the perfect substitutes, but we’re more excited about the bigger and better things being shown off here at CES. If the Sony Ericsson Xperia Arc makes it to the US, you better bet it will be on AT&T.

[via AC]

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  1. Backflip has been a good reliable phone but I ready for Atrix

  2. So glad the ATT& Iphone romance is Over. Now we can have a selection of Real Smart phones

  3. Do at@t allow side apps now?

  4. agreed. i have the backflip and it’s been a good beginner phone to the android system. comes with a better camera than the flipout.

  5. My X10 still beats the HTC Aria I had before.

  6. I’m just glad I returned my X10 just in time only have it for a few days just to play around with it and checked it out now IPHONE CONTRACT OVER 4G HTC SENSE HERE I COME!

  7. Sony Ericsson never got the update right with the X10 and it just couldn’t get the traction it should have. The Backflip was just a joke.

  8. I Woah the arc would come Sprint

  9. I work for AT&T and I feel guilty for pushing these phones, knowing well ahead of time people will hate android after using these two shitty phones! People will not pay money for decent phones!

  10. That’s too bad my xperia is wonderful. Its my first smartphone but I had an ipod touch and I like this much better. Plus the camera is amazing.

  11. Att, if they have any sense better pick up their Android game in a major way. It certainly made a difference for Vz

  12. I am also waiting for the Atrix.

  13. I don’t understand why you would have a droid on ATT

  14. I always thought the X10 would be one of the most popular phones. It has an appealing interface and is designed for social applications. I just don’t get it. And now Sony-Ericcson is coming out with Xperia Play, which I think is going to be a failure. Why the SE guys can’t seem to get it right?

  15. @cjazz: because SE don’t care about users. No updates for a year – that’s disrespectful. They dropped UIQ3 several years ago, and now X10 line. I wonder when we drop SE… Would’t be surprised if Arc or Xperia Play also won’t receive any OS updates. BTW, I own rooted Htc Desire with AOSP Gingerbread rom from xda and live happily ever after (as long xda won’t drop Desire :D ).

  16. I generally enjoyed the xperia.
    I absolutely love the UI…But it
    has 2009 features and it’s now in 2011.
    Hopefully, the Arc and Play will be much
    better. Timescape is definitely my favorite

  17. @AL I agree this iphone $%$& has to go. Android is the future. They did in one year what apple did in three years. Gotta love Apple closed technology control

  18. The Xperia X10 was the highest selling phone on Japan’s top cell network (NTT DoCoMo). I really like it a lot. Unlocked on T-mobile, I have the 2.1 update, but I don’t know about AT&T users.

  19. a big part of why X10 was not so popular at ATT is ATT they focus on Iphone, torch and Window7. They show no love for the other phoners in the line up. That will all change TUESDAY, when iphones goes to Verizon.
    saw th arc at CES yesterday, it a grat device lets hope ATT gets it adn supports it. or even better someone else picks it up for the US

  20. Motorols??? what is that dude? Lame article, stupid editor.

  21. Companies like SE and Samsung need to understand this is a new era in phones. Since Android is such a young operating system, and the technology advances are coming so fast, these companies can no longer go by the business model of build a good device and they are through with it. They must be prepared to upgrade as Android upgrades, as well as vendor updates. If not phones such as the SE Xperia Arc is dead to me before it even hits the streets!

  22. the biggest problem with the x10 (and SE in general) is the fact that SE tried their hardest to lock down a phone which is based on open source software. i love my x10, but i am not running the SE firmware at all now. im running a stable release of 2.1 vanilla coded up by the boys at XDA. i still love this phone, but it will be my last SE handset – they just dont give a s**t about their customer base. lack of respect.

  23. Guys, you are forgetting that flashing is possible, even if it’s not provided by the carrier or manufacturer.

    X10 has been updated to 2.1 by SE…and even if you are on AT&T, you’re better off with the world f/w, because it gets rid of AT&T’s pointless non-market app block.

    XDA developers currently has two different beta versions of AOSP 2.2 out….the only thing that doesn’t work at the moment is the camera….but that’s being worked on, and we can expect a final release in the very near future :)

    I, personally, think the X10 is a great device, and I’ll keep using it as long as it gets AOSP updates. With the newest version of FreeX10 AOSP 2.2 ROM, the benchmarks rate better than any android currently on the market. It rates over 1500, in some cases!! This is a great device….SE just screwed everything up, unfortunately :(

    If you are thinking about getting the Arc, you are braindead….what makes you believe SE will change their ways from what they did with this amazing device??? The system specs are VERY similar to those in the X10, and it would be EXTREMELY easy to port 2.3 over, but they got lazy & decided they are “too good” to support a phone that’s been out for almost 1 whole year….oh noes…:p Androids are supposed to have a 2 year life!!! What ever happened to that?

  24. Wow, at&t-only took a little over 2 years for you to begin to get decent Androids. If it was due to Steve Jobs influencing your company by acting as a silent partner in the back room that’s kept at&t from being the last carrier to finally get onboard, then I’m happy your marriage w Apple is almost over. Reminiscent of Adolph.

  25. Good riddance. Sony sucks.

  26. So does this mean att is starting to be cool. Lol.

  27. regardless x10 for life

  28. I’m with ace_EM. I’m on 2.1 and I love the Sony User Interface/Experience, 8mp camera..etc.

  29. how can i update my xperia x10???? im new at this my email is leslie.agosto@live.com

  30. so what if i lose my backflip in the coming months after, do they replace it with a diff phone after they’re out of stock?

  31. @jay_roc1299

    Yes, once the End-of-life reachs, they will stop making the backflip. There is still a chance there might be one in stock to replace you’re backflip with a new one but once their out of stock of the phone, then you will be replaced with a phone similar to your backflip. Most likely you will get a Motorola Flipside once there out of stock of the Backflip.

  32. How do you get the 2.1 update for xperia x10 from at&t, please?

  33. I have the X10a running on 1.6.This is my 2nd sphone and I love this phone coming from an HTC Pure running
    Win 6.5.
    Unfortunately I only have 2 weeks experience with Android and I am clueless ehen it comes to flashing roms.I’ been over to XDA but I rely need a book idiots on changing roms.Appreciate it.if someone has the patience to sc

    hool this idiot on what I need to do do get to 2.1 or thr beta 2.2..Thanks Much!
    But again going to.Win 6.5 to.Droid seems like phone.heaven to me

  34. It had to go someday, I have the Backflip, and YES it’s a love ot hate it, this was my real first sphone with Android and I will ALWAYs remember it with love (lol)..
    I’m looking for Atrix os a SGS2 now

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