
SIM Free Nexus S Now £429.99


SIM Free Nexus S Now £429
Looks like The Carphone Warehouse decided £549.95 was too much for the SIM free Nexus S and want to show a little holiday love by dropping it to £429.99. Note from the screen shot above that the Vodafone hosted prepaid version will still set you back the original £549.95; mind: blown.

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The Nexus S is the latest Google phone and is the first phone to launch with Google’s latest OS: Gingerbread.

[via BGR | Carphone Warehouse]

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  1. I’m very proud to be a Nexus One owner(I imported it from the US, since I didn’t want Vodafone’s crap on it) and the Nexus S was originally far too expensive in my mind, for the upgrades over the Nexus One.
    Once news of the price cut hit though, I thought about that nicer screen(and the other hardware additions) realised I didn’t actually need an SD card slot and the LED notifications and ordered one. New Nexus Ones are still going for good money on eBay, so hopefully mine can go for £200 to £250.

  2. I rang up CPWH today and spoke to them about the price drop and the fact i had ordered mine at the higher price and not received it yet, and the guy on the phone said, when i receive the phone i will get a call and they will refund me the difference in price.

  3. Sim free? Does that mean it can be used on Sprint?

  4. @Bobbin

    Nice one, I rang up yesterday and they said “Yeah we’ll get it all sorted out”, which I took to mean “Yeah i’ll get the money back” but wasn’t 100%.

    Glad to see that CPWH is treating customers right on this one.

  5. Yep just ordered mine at the lower price, worth a punt at 429, and as it’s delivered by post, I get the 7-day return-to-base minimum guaranteed via the distance selling regulations so if it’s too cut-down for my liking, I can dump it back on them. I’m hoping it’ll be good though. Not sure how the lack of SD card will affect apps, I’m assuming it’ll have a “pretend” SD card so I can still back up to SD and read the contents off via my computer.

  6. hope they do the same here in the states, so i can get one, at 528.00 + tax is too expensive for me.

  7. It is a pretty good phone, in Houston they were sold out on Friday morning. I had to drive to a small town and even they only has one so they held it for 2 hours while I went to pick it up. I am a former Nexus One owner and the only downside that I have with this phone is the camera is slower. Also when I take pictures while holding the phone vertically and send them in a mms they turn horizontally, I don’t know why and it is real annoying.

  8. I forgot the camera doesn’t zoom when you double tap the screen like on the Nexus One.

  9. They’ve finally come to their senses.

  10. @moises: 528$ is a LOT cheaper than 666.45$ (=429.99£).

  11. Would you be able to buy an unlocked version? Or possibly unlock it then use it on verizon or sprint?

  12. @zachary it won’t work with Sprint or Verizon, this phone only works with GSM providers, Verizon and Sprint are both CDMA based. And on top of that, it will only work on 3G on T-Mobile’s network since the frequency AT&T uses for 3G is not supported by the phone

  13. LOL… my bad… I feel like a complete dumbass now… oops… thnx

  14. I always thought the price was to high, £430 for sim free Nexus S is a great deal though.

  15. Dont feel back zachary, when they said sim free the first thing that popped into my head was in fact my Epic getting sold off and this bad boy being put onto sprint. :D

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