
Skifta: DLNA Support For FroYo and Above


SkiftaHere’s something that I’ve been waiting for since I got into DLNA, and I know that this isn’t the first solution out there. A client/server for my beloved Android. This is still in its infancy, but it’s definitely a window to what is to come.

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After downloading the application from the Market and setting up an account that takes mere seconds, I found the easiest combination to get anything working was to use the Android device as the server and a PS3 as your client. Three steps to set everything up on the phone and the PS3 should detect the “Skifta” server within 60 seconds.

For now we’re looking at WiFi only. But those of you familiar with another favorite of mine, GMote, know that it’s definitely possible to get it going over the carrier’s network.

For all of you developers out there, Skifta has a developer program and an SDK ready to go.

[via Into Mobile]

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  1. I’m the last!
    Virtuous ROM has this.

  2. Looks good. Will have to try this out later. Will be great for snaps of nights out.

  3. Im starving

  4. AWESOME! I’ve been looking for an app like this for months. All that’s missing is support for mms streams.

  5. So will this allow us to play vids on the ps3 off the phone?

  6. I’m hoping it’ll get uPNP support soon. It’s a very pleasant interface. It seems to also find my DirecTV shared DVR list as well. Isn’t able to play the media though.


    has been on market for quite some time and works without a hitch

  8. There is Upnp in App-Market, could do the same, but it is only a client.
    Works nicely with XBMC and ushare.
    Think it’ll work with others too but I got only Unix and Linux at Home so somebody else should test it

  9. I’m looking more for a DLNA client. I want to view all my movies and music from my home server on my Android. I’m trying to get something going with Tversity.

  10. I use Twonky as well. It is the only full fledged FREE DLNA program I could find. And it works without a hitch Droid/X360

  11. Not updating on my stock rooted HTC Evo. :(

  12. @123dude
    I’m with you. I have a NAS server for a reason, to serve all media to all devices. Why would I want my Vibrant to be the server? I want it to be the client! Why doesn’t everyone want a good DLNA client instead of a server?

  13. if your phone isn’t the server, then how else are you going to send and watch that video on your phone to your television? especially if that video is stored on your phone’s memory.

  14. @James
    Because those of us with NAS servers don’t store videos on our phones. Music, photos, and video are all stored on our NAS server. Then, our Xbox, PS3, TV, etc can access this media from any TV in the house. When we take pictures on our cameras, we upload them to our NAS server. When we take videos with a video camera, we upload them to our NAS server. The same is true with our phones. Pictures and video from our phones are uploaded to our NAS server so then anyone from any TV can access the media at any time.

    I find zero use for a DLNA server to run on my phone, as the media I want to share is not on my phone, it’s on my NAS server as it should be (central location for all media which is backed up nightly automatically to a hard drive in a fire and water proof safe). I want a good DLNA client on my phones so anyone can access our centrally stored media at any time. There are ways to do it now, but none have a very good interface. I’m looking for something like the PS3’s or XBox’s picture/music/video interface.

  15. Try iMediaShare. It is available for older Android (1.6+) handsets and push not only local multimedia but also online video (NASA TV, TED Talks) and personal content from the social cloud. It can be downloaded for free from Android market

  16. I can connect and view files fine but there is absolutely no playback for any file. Pictures are solid black, music says error with player and force closes and videos just repeatedly gives an error about incompatible playback and will not close at all. I have corrected my computer settings and tried with other phones but no go.

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