
New Gingerbread StrictMode API Helps Developers Speed Up Tasks by Monitoring Latency



The Android Developers Blog has a new post all about the StrictMode API in Gingerbread that I wanted to mention here if only to include the brilliant picture above. But seriously, the new API seems to be doing a lot to help speed up Android and its applications by monitoring when tasks call to the device’s disk storage. Apparently, solid state drives aren’t fast enough for the Android team, but since that is what they have to work with the best way to speed up processes is by finding and eliminating excess calls to the disk. As with most things discuss on the ADB, it is all a bit over my head so forgive me if the concepts escape me a bit. All I know is that this specific API has one goal: make Android 2.3 faster than ever before.

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If you are a developer or have a fetish for coding you will want to hit up the source link below to get all the dirty details and explanations better than what I could provide here. While Gingerbread may have ended up being slightly less than the complete overhaul many were expecting, it is these little additions that are helping to build a platform that can only get faster and more efficient going forward.

[via AndroidDevelopersBlog]

Kevin Krause
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  1. Respect my authority!

  2. Actually, Gingerbread has turned out to be much more than what I was expecting. Originally I thought it was going go be cosmetics to make it look more polished and professional. Now it’s just downright nasty and mean.

  3. Theoretically this should save on battery as well as more is being accomplished in less time using fewer resources.

  4. Fast = goooooood :)

  5. Nice can’t wait to see how Gingerbread is going to be on an HTC phone

  6. i’m really happy to see this API. we’ll now see devs competing with their apps’ snappiness.

  7. This should speed up my speedy Droid X even more. Very nice!

  8. Strict mode won’t make Gingerbread faster. It is simply a tool for developers to realize that their applications are slow. It’s like a cattle prod for developers who aren’t doing it the right way.

  9. Respect my authoritah!!

  10. Eric, StrictMode actually *has* made Gingerbread faster. We’ve been using it for months and have been fixing up tons of system stuff that it’s uncovered.

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