
Wait… Birds have Wings, Why are the Angry Ones Using Slingshots? [VIDEO]


Sometimes, things are so fun that you realize they make absolutely no sense. Why are these birds using a slingshot? If they’re birds, they should be able to fly. Unless you’re a chicken, a turkey, or some weird hybrid like the penguin. In that case, they’re forgiven. But these “birds” don’t even have wings?

At the end of the day, it doesn’t matter: that castle built with stone and wood is totally $%!$ed. [via Kotaku]

Quentyn Kennemer
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  1. They are forms of chickens and as you must know (hopefully), chickens cant fly.

    Plus, slingshots give them power to shoot themselves towards something. They could run/fly into the pigs but wouldnt cause the same amount of damage.

    Also.. I’m first.

  2. They’re angry because they don’t have wings obviously :P

  3. That was pretty entertaining. I never really thought about it myself but I think slick is on the right track.

  4. Makes sense slick (and yes, I know chickens can’t fly. I alluded to as much in the post.) But have we ever known for sure these are chickens? Or any other species of non-flying birds?

  5. And it still wouldn’t explain the lack of wings.

  6. Yeah I guess even if they are chickens, they should still have wings. Good catch, what else can I say? I never thought that deeply about this game!

  7. they are all Kiwi’s

  8. That video was actually pretty good.

  9. Chickens can fly. They what you would call short flight birds. I they really needed to they can get to about 14 -20 feet high.

    Anyhoo that was hilarious and spot on.

  10. Nice one Slick.

    The black birds are oil covered seagulls that have injested alka-seltzer.

  11. Chickens can still fly some distance,although not far.But who cares…..i love my my birds….sorry Angry birds.

  12. Dodo birds.

  13. If they had wings…how would the game will be??flying over the caste??!
    come on..they are Zealots.

  14. You get more momentum from a slingshot than from your wings (unless you are an eagle or some other bird of prey).

  15. Is this site bankrolled by Angry Birds?

  16. They need Red Bull.

  17. HAHAHAHA that is funny

  18. But why fly by yourself if you’ve got a Super SlingShot???

  19. OMG the funniest thing ever!

  20. That was my first thought when I saw the game. Where have you been?

    My biggest question with the game is the claim that it is “physics based.” Hogwash. Pieces of those fortresses stay hanging on at impossible angles. The Christmas version is even worse the the regular one in this respect, I think.

  21. ever wondered WHY they are angry? pull of their wings and see for yourself.

  22. @aeires
    dodos still had wings. kiwis do not.

  23. The purpose of this blog is actually advertisement. The more we talk about angry birds (even if its about non sense stuff like why the pig has no legs?) the more it becomes popular.
    I finished angry birds and I will give 5 star rating. I like the game, im just reminding you people what this blog is all about… publicity.. and there’s nothing wrong with that.. it just becomes irritating if it’s too much

  24. Who cares what kind of bird they are send em all over to kfc and let’s have dinner

  25. what about the pigs having mustaches?

  26. why do pigs need eggs anyway?

  27. I think the important question here is: African or European?

  28. Penguins are hybrids? Of what?

  29. @Pieter – Kiwi do have wings, just vestigial wings. Nocturnal too. Moa perhaps?

    Perhaps the birds are angry because they’re poor fliers – think Pukeko / Purple Swamphen <– These guys look really panicked when they fly!


  30. Uhhh. The birds that can be angry, lay exploding eggs, explode themselves or accelerate when tapped . . . don’t have wings . . . . ? Does that somehow detract from the realism?

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