
GameLoft’s 24 Days of Christmas Promotion Brings Dungeon Hunter HD for Free



RPG fans will love to hear that Dungeon Hunters HD is being offered for free by GameLoft as part of their 24 days of Christmas promotion, where each day sees a game being discounted or given away for free for a number of platforms. We’ve been on the lookout for the Android-related offerings, and here’s one of the best you’ll find this holiday season. We’re not sure how long this’ll last, so be sure to grab it before you end up regretting it. (We all know how much you hate GameLoft’s distribution practices.) [GameLoft via GameLoft Twitter]

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  1. interestingly, the sms I got said “free demo”.

  2. When I go to change the phone to Htc Evo 4g the game changes to asphalt….wtf

  3. Not available for MyTouch 4G

  4. Nevermind I got it to work

  5. Yeah mine says free demo as well

  6. No Droid Eris? Bollocks!! Any chance one of the other choices will work?

  7. why do they need your cellphone number to do this? why cna’t they just provide a freakin link normally?

  8. Can’t get it to work on my MT4G. I get the SMS but when I go to the link it tells me “there are no available game for your mobile”.

  9. Lol. I’m rooted with the Desire Z ROM on my Incredible and it won’t let me download it.

  10. I guess this whole month is useless to me and my N1…we have SMS blocked, since it’s just SO useless.

  11. Can’t get it to work. I got the SMS (which also says “Free Demo” but when I click the link it says it can’t identify my phone model (Fascinate).

  12. I finally got it downloaded. I received no text from entering my phone number. So I browsed to the site on my fascinate and said no games for my phone model. Selected a different phone from top of page (I did Samsung GT i-9000T) Then it downloaded right to my phone.

    Started up the game and downloaded the data and it is the full version, no demo.

  13. Check to make sure your browser is set to “Android” mode. I’m using Dolphin HD; first time I tried clicking the “free demo” link Dolphin was in “Desktop” mode and I got the “can’t identify you phone” error. I then tried switching Dolphin to Android mode, clicked the sms link and this time it worked! Downloading now, will see if it’s the demo or full version (I’ll be pissed if it’s just a demo!).

  14. It worked fine for me. I got the G2 from Tmobile. I clicked on their twitter link and it says no games for my phone. I changed my device to HTC Google Nexus One and the download link appears: ) Its working great right now!

  15. Mytouch 4g, if I use default phone and then click link I get this: Sorry, but there are no available game for your mobile. If you are using a web browser, please try to connect with your wap browser.

    If I change phone to mytouch, it brings up something else, fail @ gameloft

  16. I had the same “This doesn’t work for your devices” error. When on that page, you CAN click the blue bar where it says “Your Model: blahblahblah” and change it. Changing it to the Nexus One make the download work for me, we’ll see about if it installs/runs well. Thanks jj!

  17. Or you could get Pocket Legends, which is the same thing except:
    -more character models
    -online play (it’s an mmorpg)
    -better touchscreen controls
    -available on the market
    -updated regularly

  18. Thanks jj, did the same and was able to download, install, and run it – now for this 241MB game data download over my 3G/Edge connection…

  19. Tried changing to nexus one from first link after, I get the text, it identifies my phone as mytouch and its a no go any mytouch 4g owners getting luck ?

  20. got it to work on the myt4g. All you have to do is hit the link in the sms they send you and via the mobile browser, change your device to the nexus one

  21. free is a complete rancor lie.

  22. myTouch 4g and no go for me either. See, this is why they need to just suck it up and get on the Android market.

  23. I don’t even see this on the android market at all, searching from my EVo.

  24. I don’t even see this on the android market at all, searching from my EVo.

    EDIT: Would be helpful if I actually read the directions! ;)

  25. You have to enable mobile versions of websites in your browsers settings. Only then will the site recognize supported phones. But the game is pretty useless on my Desire. Even after app2sd it eats over 7MB of internal flash.

  26. All you have to do is select a device that supports the game and download and install if from the browser. It is the full version and works great. but i agree with dethduck they need to get on the market.

  27. I’m downloading the additional 181 MB data that it requires now, but I’m not so sure I’m going to keep this. I play Pocket Legends on a regular basis, and it seems better on all fronts.

  28. i have a samsung captivate, nothing.. i tried everything, any suggestions?

  29. Apparently its for 840×480 devices only. It wouldnt kill them to mention it somewhere where people can see it before they download it. I downloaded it on my GT 540 and even though it seems to run ok the screen is “zoomed in” that is i can only see 480×320 out of the 840×480 pixels so its useless. Now why everybody else doesnt have a problem supporting various display resolutions and gameloft does, well your guess is as good as mine

  30. Finally got it working, when you click the grab iy link from the top make sure your browser is in mobile view, it will say your device isn’t supported, click on your service name ( in my case it said mytouch below the not supported sentence ) and then choose HTC then Google nexus one, then it works lol

  31. I tried this and it worked:

    “Jason wrote on December 3, 2010

    I finally got it downloaded. I received no text from entering my phone number. So I browsed to the site on my fascinate and said no games for my phone model. Selected a different phone from top of page (I did Samsung GT i-9000T) Then it downloaded right to my phone.
    Started up the game and downloaded the data and it is the full version, no demo.”

    Thanks Jason!

  32. I got the game but my 181 MB additional download is stuck at like 95%.

  33. Actually it is 130 MB not 181.

  34. Apparently there is an issue at Gameloft.

    They just posted this via their Twitter account.

    “To all those who have problems getting Dungeon Hunter Android we’re working on it! The game will stay FREE for a while longer to compensate.”

  35. changed the auto-detected settings to the Samsung Vibrant for my Samsung Mesmerize and it downloaded and installed with no problem.

  36. I got it to work on my Evo 4G by going to this page in Google Chrome on my computer:

    Then using the Chrome-To-Phone browser extension to send the link to my phone, then it showed a Free Download button.

    Downloading now :)

  37. Idk what it is, but besides the download issues, I’ve noticed they’re mostly demos. It still ask if I want the full version when playing it. Same thing goes for the so called FREE versions on iTunes. I mean demos are always free from any company. So calling it Free is misleading. I hear some people say they got the full version for free. How so?

  38. Worked out Great…Thanks for the heads-up!

  39. I don’t see it on the market.

  40. Thanks for the link grimdeath, unfortunately it says “no games available for your mobile”. (Samsung Fascinate) Makes no sense to me.

  41. It seems that Dungeon Hunter is free today, all of the other games on their site are free to try (the only free one is Dungeon Hunter).

    As for issues with the Samsung Galaxy S, whichever version you have, per Gameloft’s twitter account they said to change your phone to Samsung GT i-9000T as listed above. As for those that are having an issue with the text, I was able to load the page on my DX and the download option was there. No SMS needed.

  42. I downloaded it fine on my Vibrant. Sent the page to my phone over Chrome-to-Phone, downloaded it on the stock browser (Android interface), installed, and played the full version. The game’s not my cup of tea but at least I tried it out.

  43. Works on my Droid 1. Sweet I enjoyed the demo of this game when I played it before.

  44. Downloaded it on my Nexus One and it plays fine. Go to and click on the link. Note: it downloaded the Motorola Milestone version but it works.

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