
Spotify App Updated to Rework Interface and Performance, Fix Bugs



Boohoo. Us Americans still can’t enjoy Spitfy as you Europeans can. I suppose we can’t have all of the fun. Anywho, Spotify has announced an update to their Android application that completely reworks the UI with high-resolution graphics and tablet support. I can’t vouch for the bugs that have been fixed and whatever bugs may remain, but the full list of fixes according to Spotify can be had below. Be sure to find it in your Android market.

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal
  • All the graphics have been re-done and are now available in high-definition.
  • Support for almost any screen resolution, rotation and density, even tablet resolutions.
  • On-the-fly screen rotation support, used on devices with fold-out keyboard.
  • Multiple performance improvements to increase applications speed.
  • Improved error messages with better descriptions.
  • Improved detection of network connection and faster reconnections.
  • Fixed the texts and controllers that were cropped in some places.
  • Fixed the album art view which was often inconsistent with what was playing.
  • Fixed when the widget was not showing the correct content.
  • Fixed an issue with the application not playing the next song in certain cases.
  • New devices supported: HTC Desire HD, HTC Desire Z, Huawei U8300, Motorola Cliq, Motorola Cliq XT, Motorola
  • XT720, Samsung Galaxy 3 (Apollo), Samsung Galaxy Tab, Sony Ericsson X10 Mini Pro, Sony Ericsson X8 and ZTE Blade

[Spotify via Androinica]

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. What I like about the app is that it looks like it’s for Gingerbread with the semi-flat UI.

  2. Hmm, I think they’re overselling the update slightly. Don’t get me wrong, I love the app, and I think it looks great, but it’s not all that different (and I’m on a Desire)

  3. Spitfy? lol

  4. Simple acceptable update, but the UI did get some improvements and since their main objective is comfort and user experience, this is a welcome update which is important to them.

    To me, I’d like to be able to remotely control my PC’s Spotify with the app, especially since I am paying 10 euro’s every month…

  5. This is the second Android update from Spotify this year (the iPhone version has been updated five times), and while it does not any any new features or functionality, the update does improve the performance and overall look of the app.

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