
Revision3 Now Broadcasting on Android



Popular internet TV network Revision3 has finally transcended the iPhone and realized real tech people use Androids, bringing their streaming video app out of the hands of the Apple elite and into the lives of those who prefer little green robots. If you aren’t familiar, Revision3 was founded by Digg’s Kevin Rose and several other young and savvy tech people as a “television network for the internet generation.” Content revolves around technology topics and stresses new media as the new standard of broadcasting.

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal

The app is free in the Market now. Snap it up below.

[via Revision3, thanks Zac!]

Kevin Krause
Pretty soon you'll know a lot about Kevin because his biography will actually be filled in!

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  1. “real tech people use androids”, I like what you did there! ;-)

  2. I was just watching rev3 on my uncles roku box and wishing it would come to my ps3. This is awesome too though

  3. Revision3 also launched a TV site that can be viewed from the PS3 as well… check out

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