
PSP Phone Being Announced December 9th?


We’d heard rumors that the PlayStation Phone was being canned – at least for the time being – for whatever reason, but it seems Sony Ericsson France thinks otherwise according to this invitation to French press regarding a December 9th unveiling. Below the text – which mentions SE France’s Pierre Perron – lies images of 5 PlayStation-style buttons: the four face buttons you’d see on a PlayStation controller, plus a phone icon in similar fashion. Could we really be nearing an announcement? We believe the device is real, obviously, as evidence has been piling up over the past couple of months.

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We’re just wondering why this is going down in France, of all places. (That’s not to say France isn’t a fine country to unveil an innovative device in, it’s just that you would think of all European venues, Sony Ericsson would choose their home turf in the UK.) We’ll be circling the date on our calendar and looking out for any and everything pertaining to a PSP phone. [Nowhereelse via MobileCrunch]

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. Awesome!!!!!!


  2. I want it!!!

  3. Isn’t their “home turf” Sweden?

  4. @fluffy I’m not sure where exactly they originally started, but I know their main headquarters are in Hammersmith, London.

  5. It only makes sense if it were to be a PSP Phone. The PSP is a compact device. With the XBox Live integration that’s coming into Windows 7 Phones, along with Apple making a mark in the mobile gaming industry, this will allow Sony to continue to compete in the industry and innovate a portable gaming experience for non-regular gamers. Combine their power of producing games, with the PSN, and you have a ecosystem that integrates nicely with home multimedia, gaming, and to-go. This is going to be HUGE NEWS FOR SONY.

    I have a pocket for my cell phone, but not enough to hold a separate camera, a nintendo ds, or a PSP. Put the logic together — this would be smart for Sony to create this product, and compete well against the very successful Nintendo DS (see vgchartz dot com), along with the rapidly growing smartphone market.

  6. Let’s see what this phone has to offer. If it’s like the PSP …i shall pass. NEXUS S save me! atleas then i’ll be able to get updates like clock work.

  7. The PSP Go should have been the PSP Phone in the first place. Glad to know they are going to resolve this issue which the PSP Go aren’t selling well. PSP 3000 still out sells it. The Android Market seriously needed a strong game line up and having Sony join the party definitely will make the Android more appealing to any ages. Kudos for Sony for going this route. Now who’s going to win the smartphone game war? Sony Android, Apple, or Microsoft?

  8. I’m on the fence as well. I want to see details and specs first before I commit.

  9. I honestly won’t get this phone unless it comes to verizon. If it doesn’t I’ll be waiting for the htc incredible hd with lte and 4g speeds.

  10. Strangely enough, France was also one of the first countries to get 2.1 on my Acer Liquid. Coincidence? I think so.

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