
Google Sky Map Updated to 1.6 to bring Time Travel and Multi-touch


Google’s been on a bit of an update spree, lately, and their Sky Map application for aspiring astronomers is the next in line. Version 1.6 brings with it a feature called Time Travel: Google’s giving you the ability to watch the sky as it has looked in the past and as it will look in the future. Pretty amazing stuff to cram into an application so small, if you ask me. It also brings with it multi-touch support so you can pinch-to-zoom and do away with those pesky magnifying glasses. Go ahead and update it now by going to the Downloads screen in the Android market, or install it if you haven’t already by scanning or touching the QR code below (or by searching for “Sky Map” in the Android market.)

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Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. Can be quite embarrassing if your compass is not calibrated. “Ha why is the moon over there ?”…

  2. People who say First are fags…

  3. Google sky map is one of the programs that gets the most ooohhhs and aaahhhhs from bystanders when I use it. A great app.

  4. It’s pretty cool app but I find it totally usless.

  5. It is a pretty neat app if you want to find certain constellations, planets, etc. I think it would be nice if they added satellites to the mix since there are thousands of them in the sky, it would be nice to see who’s satellite is positioned where.

  6. A lot of people don’t want you to know where their satellites are :)

  7. @Eric like who? They are all mapped, so you can avoid them. Also they are reflective, otherwise they would burn.

  8. i think they should add comments and meteor showers as well. i think we have one this weekend btw

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