
White Dell Streak to Be Best Buy Exclusive



For whatever reason, people love having their favorite tech gear in alternate white color schemes, and Best Buy loves being the one to offer them exclusively. Such is the case with the Dell Streak, seen here with a new white back cover. The freshly colored 5-inch tablet/phone will only be available in brick and mortar stores, though you can purchase online for in-store pick up. The white Streak should be available now, though many stores haven’t received shipments at the moment. Does this new deco spark any new interest in the device?

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[via Engadget]

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  1. No.unless it has T-Mobile bands..pointless

  2. Once again, only half white.

  3. jae why do you hate T-Mobile? did they do something to you?

    I like this dell device but I hope that it comes out for every carrier and they stop playing these kid games and only come out for two or one carrier.

  4. I don’t think he hates T-Mo Wrc.
    I think he’s upset it isnt for T-Mo

  5. Who cares? It’s a freaking WHITE phone! Made ‘specially for teenage girls. White is going to attract a ton of dirt and so much for putting a case on it to protect the phone, you just lost the white color and the whole reason you purchased this phone. What a waste, imo of course.

  6. That phone would look really nice if it was bejewled with pink rhinestones.

  7. Prefer the black Dell Streak, this one doesn’t do anything for me.

  8. I just got the white streak. Bad ass

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