
Samsung Galaxy S Showcase Available Now at Cellular South



While the Showcase name seems relegated to to Samsung’s website, the Galaxy S phone going by that name on regional carrier Cellular South is now available for purchase. The phone is $199.99 on-contract “after $50 reward card.” What you are getting is the spitting image of the Samsung Vibrant from T-Mobile, complete with 1GHz processor and 4-inch Super AMOLED screen. If memory serves, I think that just about covers all announced US carriers for Galaxy S devices. Now Samsung can focus on getting that Nexus S ready to go.

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal

[thanks Eli!]

Kevin Krause
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  1. It’s actually a spitting image of the Samsung Fascinate from Verizon, not the Samsung Vibrant from T-Mobile. It has a camera flash like the Fascinate, which the Vibrant doesn’t.

  2. so what exactly do they call this? there is already a Samsung Galaxy S model, the original i9000 was it. The rest have had surnames Galaxy S Captivate or Galaxy S Fascinate……this is obviously a Fascinate…is it an SCH-i500 or did they give it it’s own model number?

    what version of Android OS does it ship with?

    these are basic questions guys….

  3. damn Sammy is on a roll. I swear they are going to take over in 2011. ORION here we come! And dumbasses who commented on the Nexus S camera, not only is it a crappy shot by whoever took it, all cameras on a phone suck period. So you combine those two and you get that crap image. My Vibrant takes much more crisper and color defined pics than that shot on picasa.

  4. I think it says Showcase, right in the headline

  5. He said the name in the 3rd word of the article, it’s Samsung Galaxy S “Showcase”.

    And if you order online or by phone, you get the instant $50 deducted.. On my billing receipt it has “Showcase Galaxy Samsung I500”..

    Also I think this would compare more to US Cellular and Verizon’s Galaxy S version since it’s CDMA..

  6. I have the Samsung Vibrant and I have to say it takes better pictures than do cameras and phones that do have a flash. It doesn’t need one!! Even at dusk the picture clarity is amazingly clear when I took the same picture with a Coolpix Touch screen Camera with a flash at the same time the picture, well in comparison, the Vibrant without the flash won hands down!! My boyfriend has the captivate on AT&T and has had many customer service issues and lag in the back button not to mention lag in GPS! I have to say the Vibrant beat the HTC, Droid, and iphone in the beautiful Amoled screen and picture quality! Vibrant and T-Mobile RULE!!!

  7. ah ok, showcase….i took the word as an adjective instead of a proper noun….lol

  8. My blackberry curve is superior to any crappy samsung device. Even though the rollerball is really hard to use and I have to bang it on stuff constantly to get it to move, and the fact that that pesky hour glass seems to always show up when i try to do anything, it out-performs other smartphones by a mile!!

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