
Samsung Galaxy S Outsells iPhone in Japan, Galaxy Tab Expected to Sell 1 Million This Year


Even more Samsung news to sink your teeth into. First up, the Samsung Galaxy S has outsold the iPhone in its first week on the Japanese market. The iPhone has been the country’s top phone since it launched this past June so there’s no telling if the Galaxy S will be able to sustain their performance over the same period, but if they do, chalk one up for Samsung in a major territory.

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal


In some not-so-surprising news, they still expect their Galaxy Tab to sell one million units when it launches worldwide before 2011 is ushered in. With several markets already eating the Tab up – and with most markets expected to get it starting the middle of this month – it will be fun to see if Samsung can achieve this goal up against the iPad in just two months’ time.

[via MobileCrunch, Reuters]

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

[Update: Droid 2 Global November 11th?] Droid Pro $179, Continuum $199, Merge on Nov 17th?

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  1. if you guys haven’t noticed. Japan is deep in Korean culture right now. They love our tv/movie talents more than anything. I’m glad these two tech giants are getting along. Sure many people have had problem with the Japanese in the past but that is all history.

  2. The only carrier that offers iPhone in Japan is SoftBank, which has a relatively small customer base and not as extensive coverage as its competitors. The Galaxy S was released by Docomo, which is one of the two main providers (the other being AU). Thus, the Galaxy S probably has a much larger customer base.

    Also, if you’ve ever had a cell phone in Japan you must know how expensive it is to buy even a standard non-smartphone. This is especially true for Docomo. The Galaxy S’s pricepoint is just slightly above this price, but adds on a lot more functionality. I think these sales results should be expected

  3. Apple remains American’s pride.

  4. It is very surprising. Young Japanese are so upset. No number #1 from Japan itself.

  5. If what I read years ago still holds true, the Japanese get a new wireless phone much more often then Americans. They also do not recieve subsidized phones. I guess the point I’m trying to make is that Japanese girls are smokin’ hot and I love them.

  6. Hmmm, maybe they did some QA to iron out the bugs in their initial US offerings to att and t-mobile. Does that mean they’ll now have the time (and the inclination) to fix those problems for their US early adopters. Well, we can dream, right?

  7. Everything su2lly said is 100% true.

  8. @ r121: You obviously haven’t been following the numbers that show android quickly gaining on Apple and will soon surpass them in handset sales. (not to mention there’s like a 10 to 1 difference in pc sales over Mac)
    You say “America’s pride”? I say…not so much!

  9. I would take a Galaxy over an iphone any day. Android apps are just as good – only way less expensive.

  10. Nice, now where is my Nexus Two.

  11. @su2lly

    LOL. Hilarious

  12. @su2lly
    Too awesome man!

  13. iPhone is terrible Galaxy S reigns supreme in my humble opinion (and GSM Arena’s) ;)

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