
Samsung GT-i9010 Hits the FCC – What is it?


We don’t know what this phone is, but we do know what we want it to end up being: a Google Nexus S, anyone? Getting way ahead of myself here, but there’s nothing else to go by (this is the first time we’ve heard of a Samsung GT-i9010.) The original Samsung Galaxy S was modeled GT-i9000. An i-9010 model number could indicate an incremental jump, which is what we’ve been hearing about this supposed Nexus S: that it’s a Galaxy S with stock Android.

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But that’s only an educated and uninformed guess. For now, this is just a phone with an outline sitting in FCC’s database with 3G radios. The WiFi alliance has also approved the device recently. For all we know, this could just be the Samsung Continuum. November 8th is just a bit over a week away, so we won’t be trying too hard to come up with some answers before then. If anything does turn up, though, be assured you’ll see it right here.

[FCC] [Thanks to everyone who sent this in!]

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. I vote Continuum… I really hope the nexus two is not just a galaxy s phone with stock android. They need to make that phone stand out from the rest, and I dont mean just stock gingerbread…

  2. @ryan Agreed! The Nexus Two needs to kick ass!

  3. I believe Google stated that with the Nexus One they were simply trying to set the standards for what the manufacturers needed to reach with Android phones, which they’ve now done and exceeded. So I believe the Nexus 2 will simply be a phone with hardware that will support the Gingerbread OS features, and what ever other additional features Android will be releasing in the upcoming year..

    There’s really no reason to release a Nexus 2 that will blow all Android devices out of the water, I believe this would kind of be a slap in the face to all the manufacturers… They’re all coming along with new and improved hardware on their own now.
    That’s just My opinion…

  4. Lets just hope this one has a LED flash & hopefully a LED notification light…

  5. Please have a camera Hardware button.

  6. The only way it will really kick ass is to supply this phone with the samsung ORION chip(1GHz+ dual core processor) from the specs on this chip it will definitley surpass the hummingbird by far…from what another BLOG site said “SOMEONE” already had their hands on it and it has a 4 inch super amoled screen and a front facing camera and it should be coming with ginger bread thats all that was said.

  7. lets hope if it is the nexus 2 they release it on verizon this time

  8. This is definitely not the Continuum, it has GSM frequencies. Surprisingly, for 3G it only has the 1900 MHz band. 850/1900 for GSM

  9. cris it would be better on sprint.

  10. Judging from what knowledge we do have so far, the CAD drawing of the GT-i9010 doesn’t look like the Continuum exterior shape (more oval-like on top and bottom.


    So leaning more towards the Nexus S Rumor.

    P.S. Correct me if that is not the Continuum

  11. If the people who gave us the information for the “Nexus S” had a hands on experience then why didn’t they provide a live picture and maybe some specs…


  12. “A slap n the face”? How bout a standard setter?

  13. it would be crazy for samsung to put out a phone with gingerbread when they havent even gotten froyo out to the biggest line of phones that they have ever made. if samsung does this i think that it will be a big mistake. HUGE MISTAKE

  14. @Ksizzle9 I am only hoping for their sake and people with their Galaxy S products that they will receive Gingerbread in Q1 of 2011 or earlier.

  15. If Samsung are making the Nexus Two, I hope that it at least has a camera flash and button. It’s not like they don’t know how to put them on a phone, even the new crappy Windows Phones have ’em. Working GPS would be sweet too…

  16. Can you confirm the model number? Makes sense this would be the Nexus-S. I as everyone else (assuming of course ;)) feel this should have an led flash and some sort of trick of its sleeve………like perhaps more ROM memory,dedicated camera button. Also does anyone know since this seems to be the Google phone if all carriers will accept this model or will we see different variants like the SGS? I really wish they would clear away from the iphone style……..

  17. From the outline picture doesn’t seem like there is a dedicated camera button, just the standard rocker and power button……………..

  18. @Wesley, I have the sprint Galaxy S. It has a flash and has no GPS issues. I would agree that what others say if Samsung makes the Nexus 2. A nice quality outside would be nice and hummingbird is really nice but if they put a 1.4 ghz or dual core with 1ghz will kill the iphone and force android to jump to the next level like the first nexus one did. As Noah from phonedog calls it a gamechanger. I love the epic but if a nexus 2 comes out with what I asked for I would seriously consider getting one.

  19. As Ali pointed out, 850/1900 GSM and 1900 W-CDMA = FAIL

  20. Yeah the presence of only UMTS 1900 is completely mysterious. Is there any provider in the world that *only* uses UMTS 1900 and no other band?

    Movistar, Argentina & Guatemala
    Claro, Chile, El Salvador, Honduras, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay & Guatemala
    Tigo, Colombia

    So either this is a Latin American release or there is missing information from the FCC filing.

  21. Not sure why everyone is expecting or demanding dual cores. We’re probably a couple of months away (Summer 2011 is my guess) from seeing dual cores in the market.

  22. The Galaxy S has a Brazilian (and Latin American, I guess) version that differs slightly from the worldwide version. It adds digital TV receiver and a few other gimmicks. Maybe this is just the FCC submission for this phone.

  23. I can’t wait to see the specs on this phone. I love the choices that the Android platform gives you. Unlike the iPhone. Basically it’s 1 flawed phone with a closed app store. Zzzzz, no thank you Steve.


  24. I love how the Android phones just keep improving while the stale iPhone just keeps sucking. Android is going to be the death of Apple, mark my words. http://www.EndUserIdiots.com


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