
A Day After Release, Samsung Mesmerize Rooted



Alright, it really isn’t that surprising considering that the rest of the Galaxy S gang has already been rooted, but the Samsung Mesmerize has been cracked open just a day after its release on US Cellular. The guys over at AndroidCentral did the dirty work using the rageagainstthecage exploit, which happens to be part of SuperOneClick, which happens to work just fine on the Mesmerize. If you were holding off on picking up the handset to see if Sammy or US Cellular had taken any precautions to prevent this sort of funny business, rest assured root is at your fingertips.

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[via AndroidCentral]

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  1. first

  2. now to get a ROM to flash to it

  3. Only thing you gain from being first is ridicule.

  4. No surprise here. I’m sure the root method available for the Fascinate works on the Mesmerize without modification. They are, after all, the exact same model (SCH-i500). Only differences will be in the preloaded apps. I’m sure this one will have the standard Google apps, instead of Bing and all other Verizon crapware that I’ve had to remove from my Fascinate.

  5. what does rooting it do?

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