
Love Android? Support Breast Cancer Awareness? Bid on this Pink Android Beanie, Shades, and Headphones Combo


Team Douche member KMob (@Kmob on Twitter) – otherwise affectionately known as a member of the team behind Cyanogen Mod and other Android-related hackery – has teamed up with AndroidBeanie and RadioAndroid to auction off a package of pink accessories in support of women everywhere fighting Breast Cancer. Those accessories include a pink Android beanie (Awesome!), pink aviator shades, and pink ME headphones by HeadShox. 100% of the proceeds goes to the Susan G. Komen foundation.

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal


KMob takes interest in this because his signature “thing” is to wear pink hats. That’s totally cool with me, man. And so is this package. As of the time of this posting, there have been 10 bids bringing the price up to $51.00. Go ahead and throw your chips in if you support the fight against breast cancer and wouldn’t mind wearing some pink this month to support the 31 days dedicated to fighting it. The fun ends in 7 days! (No, we’re not talking about the movie.)

[Thanks, Michael!]

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. I would rather support research to fight Breast Cancer than support Breast Cancer itself…

  2. Whoops!

  3. Damn! Beat me to it. Luckily it still shows up in the RSS feed so I can continue chuckling. Not in a sick way.

  4. Not belittling the whole breast cancer situation here nor those affected by it, but the whole “breast cancer awareness” BUSINESS is IMO a crock. The money would be put to better use if it’s donated directly to those doing the research, not buying ribbons and merchandise that is pink and has some phrase on it. I work at a store that sells “BCA” merch during the months of October and most of it mentions nothing about having part of the proceeds going to any sort of foundation. I’ve maybe seen two items that say something about part of the money being donated to research. People might have good intentions and think they’re doing good by buying said merchandise and sporting it, but in reality, I don’t believe it’s doing much. And what about those rallies and walks and stuff to help raise money? How much money do they spend just organizing, advertising and throwing the event itself?

  5. They should sell pink Htc glaciers/ mytouch 4gs with proceeds going to breast cancer research. You woule be helping the fight against breast cancer and your phone would look more masculine

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