
Sony Internet TV Arriving At Best Buy Today, Selling Soon


We’re not sure when Best Buy will begin selling Sony’s four Google TVs along with the Blu-Ray player and super sweet remote, but they’re already arriving at Best Buy stores so it can’t be long. Gizmodo’s tipster is saying they COULD start selling them almost immediately.

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Here are some pictures they snapped on location:

I’m watching a little Baltimore Ravens football at the moment, but when the game is over, I might just head over to the Yellow Tag store and see if I can’t snag me a set. I’m not optimistic but if you don’t ask you can’t receive!

Rob Jackson
I'm an Android and Tech lover, but first and foremost I consider myself a creative thinker and entrepreneurial spirit with a passion for ideas of all sizes. I'm a sports lover who cheers for the Orange (College), Ravens (NFL), (Orioles), and Yankees (long story). I live in Baltimore and wear it on my sleeve, with an Under Armour logo. I also love traveling... where do you want to go?

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  1. A cooling fan in a home theater environment? This is exactly why Google should have stuck with ARM instead of Intel x86.

  2. They are selling them RIGHT NOW. Just looked at them in Best Buy an hour ago. The display where the boxes were for sale was very basic. If ou didn’t know about them you wouldn’t pay attention. The video display was just showing a promo and was not near the boxes. You couldn’t try it out and there was no remote to play with. Looks kinda like a rush job. I hope they put together a better setup. I really wanted to try one.

  3. It’s actually good for ARM that those ship with Intel first, this way when ARM Powered Google TV arrives in 3 months, everyone will see how ARM is cheaper and better and can run the same Android based Google TV OS, in more compact form factors too, no fans.

  4. Soldierknowsbest already did an unboxing of it on youtube.

  5. Local Best Buy in San Bernardino is selling 32 and 40 inch TVs today.

  6. Hey Rob, dont bother going, it is not for sale yet. They actually had the sony google TV DVD players in store on thursday. Today is the employee training session/orientation for the Google TV players. A best buy employee said they would be on sale within october.

  7. Oh Wow nevermind. I called best buy today and they said it was in stock. When i asked yesterday they said it would take like another 2 weeks


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