
Sony’s Google TV Remote


Lookie lookie what’s on the badge at the Sony TV event:


Me-thinks that’s a sneak peak at the Remote Control for Sony’s Google TV which should be announced any minute here. We’re at the live launch event in NYC and will be going hands on with everything announced so stay tuned for sweet deets!

Rob Jackson
I'm an Android and Tech lover, but first and foremost I consider myself a creative thinker and entrepreneurial spirit with a passion for ideas of all sizes. I'm a sports lover who cheers for the Orange (College), Ravens (NFL), (Orioles), and Yankees (long story). I live in Baltimore and wear it on my sleeve, with an Under Armour logo. I also love traveling... where do you want to go?

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  1. That white brick thing is the remote, and as someone who has used it let me say it sucks big ones.

  2. That looks crazy! I will stick with my HTPC and Navigator remote….cheaper and I’m sure easier to use!

  3. This was already “outed” on ABC’s Nightline which shows the remote off, with the clear Sony branding on the bottom.

  4. Yeah I hope they come out with better remotes…cause this one sure looks like it sucks

  5. I got the 46″ model today and the remote is slightly the size of an HTC Evo (or Droid X) and only slightly thicker at the one side and goes up like a keyboard, it is easy to use and much slicker than the full size keyboard of the overpriced Logitech Revue box – so far Google TV gets 4/5 stars (one off for no VGA in and a few items that can be fixed with a software update). It has eliminated the need for my D-Link HD Wireless media player and Roku – the only thing it doesn’t play is iTunes protected content

  6. I really love the new possibilities which Google TV has opened! Just got the Sony Blueray player with Google TV. Couldnt have asked for anything better. The remote/keyboard is very easy to handle..with the exception of the mouse..I wish it was a trackball instead of the optical mouse.

    Over all 4/5…Will do 5 when it can do video chat/calling!

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