
T-Mobile myTouch (HD) Gets a Fact Sheet, T-Mobile TV to Be Featured



The T-Mobile myTouch (or myTouch HD if you prefer to call it that) was officially unveiled just last week — meaning most of its safely guarded secrets are now out in the open — but one more tidbit comes our way via a newly release fact sheet for the device. Among the well-known listings for HSPA+ support and rear and front-facing cameras we find that the phone will include T-Mobile TV, a service that offers live streaming and on-demand television and movies from various partners such as ABC, Fox Sports, PBS Kids, Disney, and more.

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More and more companies are moving towards mobile TV as the next frontier as bandwidth increases and smartphones reach a greater adoption-rate. Plus the big old screens of newer handsets are perfect for watching such content on the go. For now, not a whole lot of info can be gathered about TMo’s service, but the reference of “always-free programming” in the fact sheet sounds promising for those who won’t want to pay an extra subscription fee.

[via TmoNews]

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  1. Sounds promising. Hopefully it will actually work great unlike sprint tv and mobitv. Also this better come to Vibrant!

  2. nice cant wait ..will thgis have hdmi out ? or any type of output for the television ? can i fling t mobile tv to my television thru dnla???
    this phone is gonna be the #1 phone when released

  3. I’d be interested but sounds like they keep preloading more and more and more junk onto it. Let the user select what they want to download from the market under the T-mobile tab.

  4. I want it

  5. TMONews had this over the weekend.
    What I want to know that this conspicuously left out is how much RAM this phone has.


  6. does anyone know what will be the internal memory; vibrant 16gb & G2 4/2gb…what will be the My Touch?

  7. If this had stock then my Nexus would be gone in a heart beat.

  8. @jdog Ever heard of rooting and flashing?

  9. @Joe I’m pretty good at rooting, I’ve rooted 6 different peoples phones but ever since I got my Nexus in January I never found the need to root to make it better. I have been around since day one with the G1 and I used a rooted Google Ion for 7 months before I got the Nexus One. I don’t support the twisted vision of Android that manufacturers and carriers have, the could just put their skins on the market for people who bought their phone. Its very very sad but the only phone I would even consider somewhat equal to my phone is the iPhone 4 :'(

  10. Then you should hope somebody figures out how to port it from the myTouch

  11. This is so old I dont consider it news

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