
Skype Gets Hacked for 3G Calling, Get the APK Now



Going all the way back to the initial release of Skype for Verizon phones, the app was locked to use over 3G only. Up until a recent update, you couldn’t even launch the application if Wi-Fi was enabled on your device. Somewhat ironically, when Skype finally saw a public release for all Android handsets regardless of carrier the complete opposite happened — the device was locked to calls over Wi-Fi only. Now thanks to user xeudoxus over at DroidFoums, the Skype APK has been hacked to allow for use over both Wi-Fi and 3G, and you can install it now.

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  1. Uninstall any instance of Skype currently on your handset.
  2. Download the zip file above and extract the .apk.
  3. Move the .apk to your MicroSD card.
  4. Install the .apk using a file manager (such as Astro).
  5. Make 3G calls ’til the cows come home.

[via TalkAndroid]

Kevin Krause
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  1. sorry for an ignorant question. Does my phone need to be rooted first in order to make this work?

  2. So if you have VZW I guess this is no big deal then?

  3. I cant seem to extract the file from the zip it is telling me that the zip is damaged anyone else having this problem?

  4. Same problem here. Unless im extracting wrong which I doubt.

  5. it worked fine for me, maybe because i downloaded it from my phone and used Astro to extract it and install it.

  6. no problems with download here on PC, extracted, used dropbox to get apk on phone. it works fine

  7. Still doesn’t work on Samsung Galaxy S (Epic 4g in this case).

  8. No problem installing (move the .apk instead of the zip file to sd card) I just test this for you guys. Try downloading again and unzipping (just open the zip file in windows and move the app from there to the sd card) however obviously just don;t work on Galaxy S ….

  9. I couldn’t extract it from my desktop OR using ASTRO on my Droid X. Astro says, “Directory could not be loaded.”

  10. No .apk here. Just a folder full of files. Is the .apk somewhere inside this folder?

  11. hehe, love the splash screen… well done!

  12. Worked just fine on my Evo with Astro

  13. Won’t install for me. Says “Out of space – Skype could not be viewed. Free up some space on your phone and try again.” The app is 9mb and I have 30mb free. What gives?

  14. 1. Put your file on the phone sd card

    2. Extract the file using a program like ES File Explorer (long click then extract here)

    3. Open the apk, install, done!

  15. ok there are a bunch of people having problems with this file, not sure why.

    I downloaded it just fine, so I put it here for you all to try again. This is the APK file (not the zipped file like the above link)

  16. Worked fine on my EVO with Astro as well. Downloaded it with the default browser and unzipped it with Astro. I even made a call with it over 3G, still no 4G in my area.

  17. why doesnt it work with vibrant?

  18. works flawless on evo .

  19. I tried on Samsung Vibrant (Galaxy S) – the app is successfully installed but when you sign in it just immediately shows you the message that it could not sign in.
    To me it looks like a Trojan not a real app masked as an app.

  20. No video call support?

  21. It needs Froyo if you have an SGS or an update from Skype itself. But I wouldn’t bet on any of these two thing two happen any time soon…

  22. @me — That’s the exact same file as before. Same error I had the first time around.

  23. Downloaded on phone, installed with Astro, installed, signed in, and tested! No probs! Nexus One, Froyo, nonrooted!

  24. Extracted to my desktop with the Ubuntu power and transferred by bluetooth on my little Wildfire. It works well!

  25. It installed on the Incredible but it wouldn’t close.

    I also found the program on the market and tried installing it but it still does not close.

    I was able to install both the Verizon version and the new version simultaneously and both seem to work.

  26. Doesn’t install on my HTC Hero.

  27. does this mean i can call any where in the world?

  28. Why would it not work on Samsung Galaxy S phones? I just tried on Fascinate and naturally it did not work (same as above poster that said it tries to login and says it can’t).

  29. It worked for me on my EVO. downloaded on my PC, extract it there and send the .apk via dropbox, and installed it from there.
    The first time I launched I got a Blank screen after sign in but after rebooting my EVO it worked fine. Already Test 3G and WIFI confirmed working both.

  30. Does anyone else’s battery run down REALLY fast when signed into Skype? Running this on my Droid Incredible.

  31. installed fine on Samsung Galaxy S (T-mo Vibrant). Can’t login. I know that the Skype App does not support Galaxy S phones, but I guess i just got too excited.

  32. works up to the sign-in, “We’re sorry, couldn’t sign you in Try later.” ???Help-Tks in advance.
    Droid 2.2 Rooted Cyanogen LauncherPRO

  33. yeah i downloaded on samsung galaxy s, installed fine, cant login. when i try to go to ‘forgot password’, it gives me an immediate notification that the web browser i am running does not support skype.
    uninstalled. what a shame :(

  34. Ok I installed the actual skype and then I found this so I uninstalled the skype application and tried to install this one. Whenevr I try to install it says I’m out of memory or space. Now I’m trying to install the original and it says the same thing and won’t install. Can anyone please help me. I’m using a htc G2

  35. Works fine on my ROOTED HTC HERO with CM6

  36. does not work on samsung intercept

  37. Will this work on Moto Backflip ?

  38. If you run this on a Verizon DroidX and connected to 3G network, will this Skype version use Verizon minutes during the call?

  39. Hi.On my Galaxy s i cant install any files except files from Android Market. I have windows pop up :For security ,your phone is set to block installation of application not sourced in Android Market.
    Can I do anything with this??

  40. Nope… not working on the Sasktel GT-i9000M. 2.1 UPdate 1 :(

  41. On Droid 1 (VZW) there were two in the market to choose from. Skype for VZW and just plain Skype. I installed the latter and it worked great (over wifi.) So far, my only complaints are that you can’t move to SD and even when signed out, the Skype service is still in the background.

  42. It didn’t work on MyTouch HTC. The error message says: “Application not installed. Skype could not be installed on this phone”. :(

  43. Works flawless. Just what i have been looking for. Had the BETA, but was somehow stuck without calling up/ind. So went looking for something newer apk. This looks like its able to make a call now. And isnt stuck on 3g. Good work.

    Htc Tattoo, rooted, with KiljackenROM v2.1 overclocked@672mhz. 16GB Sd.

  44. Thank you so much! Those words don’t come close to how very much I appreciate everyone involved with this! I have been so frustrated how cell providers gouge their customers then restrict programs that are beneficial such as Skype and Slingplayer; both not available on my Docomo Japan Sony Xperia! I eventually found the slingplayer for android beta which works fine and now thanks to people here, have my Skype problem solved. It works great! Thank you! I also had a unexpected end of file error with the zip file but the alternate download worked fine. My sincerest appreciation for such kind people!

  45. i tried to install on my galaxy tablet (Sprint) said not enough memory, free up space, but i have plenty of space!!!! :( when i wanted to reinstall the unhacked Skype it says application install failed. now what do i do!!!!?? please help :(

  46. I also have the “out of space” poping up when I install on my Galaxy S . anybody has a remedy ? I tried everything please help !!

  47. I have the same problem… I’ve installed skype successfully, but when I tried to reinstall skype: “free up some space and try again” please help!

  48. Can I make free international calls to a cell using this from my Evo?

  49. Having the same problem with my Dell streak 7, installed 3g hacked skype, realized it was the “for verizon version” uninstalled… tried to reinstall the 3g hacked version for other than verizon phones/tabs and I get the “out of space” error… anyone find a fix yet???

  50. How do i switch from 3g to wifi with this skype? there are areas where i get bad service and would like it to run off of wifi and it says it does wifi and 3g?

  51. If you get the “out of space: error check out the solution is pretty easy but you have to have your phone rooted

  52. Says download does not exsist.

  53. This link is broken, don’t open the 4k file

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