
Logitech Revue: Live Video Demo of this Holiday Season’s Must-Have Gift



Wow. It’s hard to say what the general public’s reaction to the Logitech Revue and Google TV, but if I had any control over it this would be the must-have gift this holiday season. The Google TV experience is everything we hoped it would be and more. At yesterday’s launch event in NYC any questions left unanswered about the platform and its implementation have all but disappeared. How will Google TV integrate with current living room setups? How do the apps look? Can the Revue be used to access a media server or play files from an external drive? Where to begin…

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As you can see from the above video Google TV on the Revue is set up to make finding and exploring content easier than ever. If you are anything like me you spend the time in the living room divided between at least three devices: the actual television, a laptop, and a smartphone. Each allows for unique access to certain types of content, content that is often inspired by something from another media source. For instance, a typical sunday of watching football might involve using my phone to follow fantasy stats, a computer to look up news and video relating to a game, and the big screen to display the Ravens whooping up on all comers. The Revue brings all of these sources onto one screen. Picture-in-picture allows for multiple types of content to be viewed simultaneously. Gone are the days of plugging a computer into your television to enjoy web content and YouTube.

And finally a cohesive media player experience exists that won’t require using an outside program or device such as XBMC or a PS3 to find media on a network drive. That media is now integrated right into Google TV thanks to Logitech, making that content just as searchable as television shows, DVR recordings, and web content.

Of course a major downfall is for now the deepest integration between Google TV and actual TV only plays nice with Dish Network, a provider that isn’t exactly on the top of the list in terms of quality and service. DVR functionality won’t work with other cable or satellite services, and it still seems unclear whether or not search will function with anything other than Dish.

Still, given all the power behind Google TV, even having minimal integration with your current television provider makes for a beyond awesome experience. I can’t wait for this thing to drop at the end of the month, at which point I plan to promptly head to my nearest Best Buy and swoop one up. How about you?

Kevin Krause
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  1. This does sound tempting, but I’ll wait until I hear more about it in the wild. Will it play nice with VIDEO_TS folders? Will it cache video properly so that Wifi will work properly? Will it play nice with native EyeTV rips?

    Oh, and *please* don’t buy it at Best Buy. Best Buy is anything but.

  2. put a google buzz button phandroid

  3. So I’m really excited about Google TV, and have been since it was announced over the summer at I/O. My only problem is that for the price, GTV seems to really make the most sense if you already have a comprehensive cable plan. One of the major features is that it provides a way to sort through what is coming in on your satellite or cable, and make it searchable.

    The only problem is that I don’t pay for cable, and have no interest in a bloated $60 and up monthly bill. What I’m looking for in a smartTV is one that will allow me to access all the content I enjoy in a cohesive UI, without flipping to a netflix app to watch movies, a hulu app to watch some tv, and Dailyshow.com to watch other. With that in mind, something like Roku or Boxee seems more geared towards what I want to get out of a TV.

    I’m sure at some point down the road, probably sooner rather than later, GTV will push in the direction of going a la carte, and I understand that concessions had to be made to release a product like this that would achieve any support from content and manufacture industries. (Not to mention the thousands of consumers who DO want a product that helps them sort out the incoming deluge of programming from their cable plan).

    My point, and sorry for the rambling, is that as excited as I am about GTV, I am disappointed that this won’t really work for my demographic – poor recent college grad, looking for a way to access content without breaking the bank. I’m waiting to see what the Sony Google TV looks like, but I have a feeling that is gonna be beyond me as well. I guess I’m back to my rabbit ears, boxee software and an S-video cable.

  4. @dave – I had comcast for several years, directv for 2 years, and Dish for the last 5 years. By far, Dish is the best.

  5. sorry dave, i meant to direct my comment to the reviewer

  6. Does it work (well) with Hulu?

  7. “….Dish Network, a provider that isn’t exactly on the top of the list in terms of quality and service.”

    You have to be kidding, right? Dish is better than any cable company out there.

  8. @Greg – no worries bro.

  9. I want this, will most certainly try it out becuz comcast on demand sucks

  10. You’d have to be an idiot to invest in this when a $100 Roku does the same kinds of things. Unless it’s worth $200 more to surf the web on your TV, I guess.

  11. While this looks cool, it doesn’t really offer anything my Windows PC doesn’t. Hooking any old PC up to your HDTV with a wireless kb/mouse gives you the full web, search, etc. on your TV. A tuner integrates TV. This kinda reminds me of a sort of Tivo “plus”. It doesn’t really add any functions but rather helps organize things. For some folks that is worth $300. Personally, removing the need to switch TV inputs is not worth it to me. If I didn’t have a spare old PC or laptop that could be hooked up to the TV with a wireless keyboard/mouse then maybe $300 wouldn’t be a bad deal. Still, it’s mainly an interface. This doesn’t have a tuner or a hard drive for DVR or anything else. It’s a basic web/Chromium type computer that will control and interface with a Dish DVR box.

    When it comes down to it, no matter how cool this seems to me, it is still just a nettop with a wireless keyboard that has a simple TV interface and HDMI passthrough.

  12. What is all the hype here? Its just another box connected to the tv. HTPC blows this away. No thanks. Love android phones and looking forward to android tablets especially the Archos 101 coming out soon, but this Google TV does nothing for me

  13. Yeah, what exactly is new here…other than the integrated video calling?

  14. I was very disappointed in GTV. There is a ton of content available via internet right now:
    And GTV only hits a few of these for $299. Boo. The Dell Zio is a 2.2ghz, macmini-esque and well equiped HTPC for $400. I’ll spend the extra $100 up front and get way more content, thanks.

  15. It looks cool, but for 300 bucks? No way.

  16. I already get all that on my Sony Bravia HDTV (connected via 802.11 N) and Directv DVR.

  17. Wow. I just love to hear about Logitech Revue. One of the good sources of info about Logitech Revue is
    Logitech Revue Live News Updates
    which gives all real-time updates from yahoo, google, bing, Icerocket, Techmeme, twitter n don’t know what others but its good site to get current updates from single place. A must visit.

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