
Firmware Update for the T-Mobile Samsung Vibrant (Finally) Pushing to Handsets



The slightly bizarre story leading up to a highly-anticipated firmware update to address vital issues with the Samsung Vibrant finally has an ending. After popping up on Samsung’s Kies distribution platform only to be pulled, the update that should fix a glaring issue with the functionality of the handset’s GPS fell into an awkward position, with Samsung and T-Mobile promising more info this week. Now, according to Samsung and the reports of Vibrant users the update is rolling out over-the-air to the Galaxy S phone as promised. Anyone out there receive it? Are you happy now?

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Kevin Krause
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  1. Still no firmware yet on mine but I’ll wait a day or two before I start ranting.

  2. Should be noted that TMO will be pushing out the OTA in “staggered waves through the end of October”.

    Lord knows when you will get YOUR update.

  3. No, I haven’t gotten it yet. But I’d love to grasp just what T-mobile’s problem is in getting stuff out. Why hasn’t the Vibrant been moved to 2.2? Why hasn’t the MyTouch been updated as promised?

  4. Still waiting patiently!

  5. Still waiting…2 months and counting to use a common featured part of my device.

  6. To start downloads, go into market and either update or install new app.

  7. Haven’t received anything yet.

  8. Don, it’s more likely to be Samsung and other manufacturers. T-mobile doesn’t maintain the various versions of Android, the manufacturers do and with all the different devices and testing, making changes is not a quick process. In most large companies, things rarely happen quickly; I just spent months at a company where 75% of IT projects come in late and over budget…

  9. @Nuc where is that oppotion in the market to install the firmware update?
    How long does this actually take to reach across the USA?

  10. i was one of the lucky ones to get the update through samsung kies, i still haven’t seen any problems with the update, all i’ve seen is improvements, the phone doesn’t lag as much, GPS is working, instant locks, marketplace downloads are fast and now i can download angry birds beta form the market (i couldn’t do that before the update).
    I wonder what the known issues are?

  11. @filbert, thanks — good points.

    I do wish, however, t-mobile would be more forthcoming about what the status of promised things are.


  12. @nuc, merely downloading a market app doesn’t impact the OTA sending of the firmware. I’ve tried clicking for updates, but it simply says, no firmware available, or something.


  13. Be patient, it will notify you when it comes. If you’re worried you didn’t get a notification go to Settings and at the very bottom click “Software update”. Right now, mine says “No firmware”.

  14. Patiently waiting

  15. When waiting for updates on my G1, it took almost a week after they first starting rolling it out.

  16. Checked earlier. No update yet (on the stock rom).

    I rooted and rom’d mine within 4 hours of owning it. No need for official updates

  17. I received mine last night about 11, it’s not the 2.2 froyo like I was hoping for. The only improvement I see so far is a HD video recorder, it’s own task manager that also let’s you uninstall apps from it, and it FASTER!! It’s amazingly faster. The internet and the phone itself… That’s all I notice so far…

  18. God a week? thats long still, i wonder how long it would take to reach florida?
    How do they detemine who recieve the updates first?

  19. should I put up a fight and get a refund for the many issues with my vibrant, and wait for the G2 or new mytouch with front facing camera or stick with vibrant?

  20. Everybody CTFD. It’s being rolled out randomly, meaning in no particular order, over the next several weeks. Have some patience.

  21. So im thinking about switching from sprint to tmo, can anyone with tmo give me reasons not to?

  22. look at the coverage maps, and make sure you’re well covered by tmobile. tmobile’s 3g network is in my experience faster than sprints, however sprint has a more widespread network. where i live, i am on the edge network for tmobile, however i work where there is 3g coverage. but i hit alot of dead spots on the way to work. i never had those dead spots when i was with sprint. you just have to balance the good and the bad, and with the experience i had with sprint, i would pick tmobile any day!

  23. Im in slc so im not worried about coverage im more concerned with dropped calls

  24. Regardless on when they send it out we paid a lot of money for this vibrant phone they didn’t wait to receive our money so why should we have to wait for a f’n update

  25. Nothing for me yet but I’ll probably be checking every fifteen minutes, lol!

  26. I never get dropped calls with T-Mobile unless i’m in one of those dead zones. Downtown where there is good 3g coverage, the signal strenth fluctuates wildly depending upon where you are. In places with no, yes I said no bars, I can still make calls!

  27. The manufacturers may put out the OS updates, but its T-Mobile that has been pushing out empty promises about Froyo upgrades to its MyTouch. Its infuriating. I’m stuck for another year with T-Mobile, but as soon as that year is done, I’m *definitely* looking at options with other carriers. Sick of being promised by T-Mobile and them perpetually not delivering.

  28. I had T-mobile for 4 years in SLC and never once had a dropped call.

  29. I can’t wait to get the update so I can start ranting about why I don’t have Froyo. I’m so glad I have such superficial things that cause me to complain and worry.

  30. So im thinking about switching from sprint to tmo, can anyone with tmo give me reasons not to?

    Not, I can’t think of any reason why not to… I was with Sprint for four years. Their billing accuracy was terrible and their customer service totally sucked. I’ve never had an issue with T-mob’s customer service, and you can’t beat their pricing if your paying cell phone bills for a whole family.

    SPRINT SUCKS! T-Mobile for me. MTM

  31. I got the update this morning. I can now access the Media Hub, I have the HD camcorder, but my GPS still does not work. Did the update really have a GPS fix?

  32. My friend got his OTA update this morning…I’ve had my phone a month before him and haven’t gotten mine yet…That bastard! On the other hand, after being one of those who was waiting…and waiting…AND WAITING for the Moto Cliq to update from Android 1.5 to 2.1 (and they’re STILL waiting), I think I can wait a week or so for my update!

  33. if i’m rooted does that mean i will not receive an update?

  34. T-Mobile has lied about updates for the G1, then lied about updates for the MyTouch 3g, why should we believe them about the Vibrant? Rolling out an OTA is a big deal, lots of training for customer support, cost of replacing phones that had a bad flash (it happens), etc. The fact that they’re going through this trouble PROVES they have no intention whatsoever to release Froyo on the Vibrant.

  35. I got mine!! :D

  36. just gat it

  37. Nothing yet for me here in philly

  38. Got mine today

  39. Hey Kevin where are you where did you get yours I’m in Oklahoma city Oklahoma I haven’t got mine yet.

  40. I just got it this morning. Im about to update it now.

  41. Got it.

  42. I’m in Oklahoma city Oklahoma I’m waiting for 2.2 froyo for vibrant where are you at that has got froyo 2.2 already

  43. Can’t wait! Its difficult using foursquare with a janky gps… I understand the frustration. It’s stupid to say “quit whining” or make your own phone. We were promised froyo half a month ago. Its on the freaking g1!! I pay other people to make me a phone with features like everyone else. Also on countless occasions have carriers actually updated firmware due to bitching. Apparently that’s what they respond to, so I say by all means people. Bitch. Then maybe well see froyo.

  44. woke up with this ready to update… now has hd camcorder… task manager… a little icon on the top left when batter is full… gallery is now new to old… not old to new…. and gps was not working at first… but i decided to do a battery pull reset to see if that would do anything… and now it works! instantly discovers my location! and driving navigation works! wooohoo.. but yes it works for rooted phones… nothing changed on my phone excpet for the updates

  45. I got mine this morning! Best update is voice option on swype keyboard.

  46. How you guys update 2.2 , I cant find it, please show me how

  47. does any new yorker get the update? i was keeping press the firmware update every 2 hours and seem nothing til now!!

  48. i got it suckas. badass!!!

  49. I’m from new york city, still nothing…..where in new york are u?

  50. gps fix worked pretty well

  51. is the phone faster at all?

  52. I got mine this morning, MediaHub is available, the ne HD Camcorder icon and Task Manager (everything about the phone activity and performance).
    My phone upgraded in less of 5min and it look faster.
    The GPS now is more precisely, but could be better.

    I have a question, is it possible to receive the OTA upgrade by WiFi?

  53. I Just got my update 5min ago. What are the new features, I cant tell.

  54. I did the xda dev fix to my vibrant and didnt notice any improvement over the default. I just received the OTA uvji6 patch. My question is: will not having the default settings effect the accuracy of the patch, or will the patch just reset the gps settings regardless of what they happened to be before the update? I dont notice my gps any more accurate than before the update and im a bit concerned. As i write this my loc on goog maps has me about 2 miles away. I tried a battery pull after the update and i get the same results. I’m rather concerned it may not work.

  55. Not yet in Dallas, TX.

  56. Still waiting, I hit software update and nothing so far. Tmobile u fool of shit!!!! Why? We the last on this game. Most of all the phones got their updates and we what?

  57. I’m in Las Vegas and haven’t received the update.

  58. Nothing for me yet in Portland, Oregon. It’d be nice if more people would think to post where they are from.

  59. It has nothing to do with location, its simply a random push OTA, and it’s not over the next couple weeks…it will be over the next couple days. I don’t even have mine yet.
    It has to be stagared or else it would bog down the network. Sprint’s and Tmo coverage are very similar, the only reason Sprint appears to have better is bc you are roaming on Verizon a majority of the time.

  60. Nothing yet here, Atlanta, Georgia.

  61. Minneapolis mn, no update yet.

  62. got mine yesterday morning about 6am, it took a about ten mins to reboot. I used the gps app to test out the gps, i was locked on to 12/14 satellites. worked like a charm now gives us froyo please and make this phone a bigger beast

  63. Chicago nothing yet…waiting

  64. Hey guys n girls.. smiles.. Im in Maryland, and I havent received the updates as of yet!! Im am hoping soon, at least the rep at tmobile say that he was actually waiitng on it as well! I LOVE MY PHONE.. I had the tmobile Memoir before this.. I loved that camera, soooo much. The features on the Vibrant are nice, and it is a beautiful phone… One thing, thats sooo minor, I would love to have a guitar app like “pocket guitar or iShred”… Yet the ones that I have download from the market are cool.. Im still learning alot about the Vibrant.. Android Nation

  65. GOT IT! minneapolis, MN I don’t see anything diff. can’t notice any speed difference either

  66. Im in jersey and no update yet…and people with updates can you please type in the states your from…just for some curious minds.

  67. its not the update were all looking for but it added a built in task manager…I kind of like it better than the market task managers..It has a HD camcorder installed and although my GPS was working perfectly fine b4 it is WAY faster and the maps load on edge faster than they used to on 3G…alot more refined..besides that I dont know what else changed!

  68. Got mine first thing this morning. I have the Vibrant. Everything seems to be working good as described. Too bad the 2.2 upgrade hasn’t arrived. UGH! I’m in San antonio, tx…Go Rangers!

  69. I’m in Orange, CA. Got it Oct 9, around 4AM PST. Now REALLY, TMobile… REALLY? “Congratulations, Tmobile is sending you a software update…” Btw, that’s the message you get on your phone when your phone receives the update. Congratulations? No, I don’t think so. Congrats are in order when you get a new job, new wife, new baby etc., but a software update for a phone??? Get real. Anyway, I can’t tell the diff with my GPS. It’s still wonky as far as I’m concerned. Oh, and now I can access Samsung’s Media Hub. WTF? I just want my Netflix on my sammy. Don’t need no stinking “Money” hub from Samsung. But if I’m a big enough idiot to buy a broken phone, then I’m probably stupid enough to use said Media Hub and separate myself from more of my ca$h. Worst of all, maybe I’m so stupid that I’ll continue believing that the magical OTA fairies from TwatMobile will sprinkle some FROYO dust on my phone someday.

  70. Still nothing yet here in philadelphia this is still bullshit I got no patience and I hate waiting

  71. Yes I received the OTA update for the samsung vibrant and once the update was done installing it restarted itself and froze at the Samsung Vibrant boot Screen. Phone has not turned on since than and now I have to get a new one. Just a warning…

  72. Im in Philadelphia and i got it today when i woke up

  73. Puerto Rico no :(

  74. Oh, the torture! How cruel they can be! Gloom, despair and agony! Still no JI6 in “Bridge City” (Portland, Ore).

  75. Bricked mine …..

  76. they made it so you can change the calendar notification ringtone, thank god

  77. Nothing in NYC. Anyone from New York (city) get it yet

  78. Im in Lexington, Kentucky and I just got my OTA update about 20 minutes ago. The media hub is now available and I got the task manager and HD camcorder with the update.Dont know if it fixed this but I did notice that I can now update all my downloads at the same time instead 1 by 1. The intended fix was for the GPS and it works now but it doesnt lock down on my exact location. I did a battery pull reset and it still didnt get any better. I will take the other items over that so that doesnt really concern me. They need to do another update to fix it a little better.

  79. Got mine last night, but saw there were a lot of problems with having a lag fix and pushing the update so postponed the update and undid the lag fix but when I went to settings-update firmware it said “no firmware” anyone else having this problem let me know.

  80. Got mine this morning and am seeing what most everyone else is. One thing I haven’t seen mentioned is an unwelcome change to the camera app — under low battery conditions, when you start the camera app it shows you a popup that says “Warning – Low Battery”. The only button on the popup is “Close”, which closes the app. I haven’t found a way around this. This makes the camera unusable with low battery, you essentially can’t start the app. I have a hard time believing this is intentional — while I’m sure the warning is helpful, as running the camera can certainly drain the battery faster, outright preventing use of the camera seems like a poor choice.

  81. i dont have the update yet and my camera app has done that since day one. btw anyone in michigan get the update yet?

  82. im from new jersey. I got my notification yesterday and installed this morning.

  83. Hec Yepes, you know there is recovery mode right?

  84. does it matter in what region your phone is registered to receive the update, or just where you happen to turn your phone on? i travel a lot, so was wondering if going to different cities over the next week might end up helping, if i pass through a city that has it pushed.

  85. Sorry, Mike, but that has always been the situation. I still don’t have the update either and my camera would never work under low battery conditions. Neither would the video player. Anyone in Oregon get this updat yet?

  86. Yes its me again still no update yet here in philadelphia anyone in philly get it yet?

  87. hi ladies and gentlemen vibrant firmware upgrade was released on 2nd oct 2010 i upgraded already but, i suggest you all not to upgrade now it will block tethering. wait for Samsung kies US version to be released.

  88. Got mine a couple of days ago… haptic feedback / vibrate no longer work. Yay.

  89. one week later and still nothing I think sam suck stinks

  90. Received my update Thursday 10/07/10. Waited a few days to report on it. Let me start by saying I think that Scamsung really dropped the ball with the release of the Vibrant before it was ready for market. Also further waiting for over 90 days to offer any support for a device with such blatant issues does not help to remedy frustrated consumer. With that being said, my impression is that the update is sound. My phone is much more fluid and GPS locks in less than 10 second. That and several minor tweaks make the over a user experience with the phone more pleasurable. Let’s just hope we don’t have to wait till 2011 for Froyo. I won’t be holding my breath though.

  91. I got it 2 days after it was announced, it crashed my phone. now i’m waiting for my replacement phone. ughhh

  92. This is total bullshit my friend got the g2 and its much better than this stupid galaxy s vibrant it came with froyo and it’s amazing I I’m selling this phone 2 get the g2 so they can keep there fucking update I will never get another samsung phone as long as I live

  93. Got mine a few days ago (Colorado) but my GPS still doesn’t really work. Sucks.

  94. In Atlanta. Got the update OTA a half hour ago. GPS works. Media hub works. HD camcorder works. One question.

    Why the hell do I have to come here to figure out what is even in this critical update. Samsung’s install gave NO INFORMATION.

  95. Ok, I thought it might just be me. But apparently there are others out there experiencing the same issues. Since the update, my GPS works slightly better at times. Other times, it sucks balls like it always has. So, am I impressed with the update? NOT AT ALL. The phone seems to be slightly faster and less laggy, but not much. I do like the Task Killer app they included in the update. I find a bunch of shit running in the background ALL THE FUCKING TIME!!! Even after I’ve used the back button to back out of an app, it will still run in the background hours after I backed out of it. So, I’m constantly going into the Task app and killing everything in the background. That should not be necessary. So, my overrall impression of the update….SUCKS BALLS!!! I will never buy another Samsung phone…unless they outsource their software work to a company that is worth a shit.

  96. TMO is getting on my nerves… no update yet… ready to leave the service… Iphone here i come!!!

  97. A new day and still no update why is tmobile screwing with me why I hate this how people in my city got the update before me I got this phone the day it was released

  98. Does anybody know if the froyo update will fix the home button or sms thread issues? They’re becoming more and more of an issue and I don’t know whether to send mine in or not??

  99. I am still getting the message “no firmware” when selecting Software Update. Earlier today it was saying initialization error check sim or something to that effect. what in the world is going on. Am I ever going to get the 2.2 update?

  100. Received my update this morning in Portland, OR. GPS is immediately better, finally useful for directions and location based apps. Hallelujah!!

  101. i got the upgrade this morning but i honestly dont know what its for….does anyone know what the new firmware offers??? i noticed a few diff things to the menu which is cool but it would be nice if the upgrade offered a longer batt life.

  102. oh btw im in Lawrenceville Ga and i got my update, but as i read thru the comments seems like alot of ppl have had probs with this phone but i havent had any yet, hope i dont lol! but ya i agree the 2.2 needs to hurry up and get here. Samsung dont disapoint us!

  103. I have 2 lines with T-Mobile both with the Samsung Vibrant, received the update on one of the phones but no update on the other phone. Kind of dumb that they wouldn’t send the update for both phones at the same time. But I guess it must be based on the IMEI. I haven’t noticed anything different with the update other then the addition of a few apps.

    Anyone know why my copy of Avatar keeps getting deleted off of one of my phones? I’ve re-installed it using the SDI card off of my other phone but after a few days it disappears. I even save the movie to my actual device on top of the putting it onto the SD card and the movie still disappears after a few days.

  104. I received my update today when I turned my phone on. I live in Tacoma, WA. I’m new to this phone [I had CLIQ XT]Are you folks saying the camcorder did not work before the upgrade? As the notification says “congrats” to everyone I guess. LOL

  105. got mine this morning. i live in Dallas Tx. so far seems more or less the same…i mean i had SOME issues with the gps, and nothings really different in that department. it still not very accurate at times! idk, maybe the froyo update will improve on this some more.

  106. Just got the update in San Francisco around 1130pm 10/12/10

  107. I received my update round 4am Monday i’m in Seattle, wa.

  108. Once again new day no update

  109. New York. Got mine last week. Added features and software. GPS works a little better. Not overly impressed.

  110. Got it at 1:25pm 10/13/2010 just finished updating so I’m about to check it out (STILL NEED THE FROYO)

  111. I got my notification on Friday (10/09/10). I was in the middle of a meeting, so I pressed “later” and it gave me an option of receive the update in “1 hour”…but that never came. Called T-Mobile, they had no info about the options for “later” and said that I have been put back in the queue. It is frustrating enough to have to put up with all the craps and lies from Samsung, not I am in the queue with T-Mobile. Screw them both, I love Android, but am tired of this confusion on the OS, different UIs and these carriers…iPhone 4 here I come even with your grip of death issue.


  113. New day no update yet internet is down can’t get mini kies I’m so pissed off right now


  115. Just got mine !!!!!

  116. Once we get 2.2 we are not going to care for it.but since we dont have it we want it

  117. I received an over the air update today. But It look like the only thing (I ca see so far) is that the Media Hub is now working.

  118. got the update today at 3 30 pm (NYC)

  119. This is NOT a 2.2 FROYO release for Samsung. It is a maintenance release for 2.1 (Baseband Version: JI6)

  120. Have no fear everyone. I am super excited I am receiving my update as we speak: ) So needed too way too many glitches before

  121. Got an update tonight and my firmware still shows 2.1 update 1 wtf any idea why??

  122. Just got my update via samsung mini kies media hub is unlocked but now phone is running slow media hub keeps closing after a few minutes of viewing the movie got task manager hd camcorder didn’t use gps yet so I will keeep u updated

  123. just received the update it is awesome!!!! kankakee,il

  124. Just got the update at 8:40am local time in Las Vegas, NV.

  125. Got my update through Kies Mini.

    THE GOOD: Phone is definitely snappier. Love the Media Hub and HD camcorder shortcuts. Music player now has landscape view with disc view as an option-nice! You can now pause Avatar, do something else and when you return to it, it doesn’t start over from the begining.

    THE BAD: My GPS always worked from day one. Now my location shifts all over the place unless I’m using the Wifi. Without the Wifi it can’t keep my position. Will test more where there is a better T-Mobile signal (I live in an area that constantly switches between a weak signal and edge). Battery drains a little faster-you will still need an app. killer as the Task Manager doesn’t stop background apps.

  126. got my update 2 hours ago. hit start. waited waited and waited phone is stuck on the boot/start up screen…

  127. Got mine earlier today in Az. Everything seems awesome except now I can’t change my network back to 3g, the 2g only button is gone and i had changed it before the update kicked in. any suggestions?

  128. THANKS GOD!! I finally received my update!!!

    Location: San Diego, CA
    Time Received: Around 3:00pm

    Thoughts: Phone is now running the way it should have been from the get go. Loving the update so far, the phone seems to be running way more smoothly. And like the added HD Camcorder and Task Manager App. buttons.

  129. Media hub won’t let me download movies anymore I don’t get the problem I havea tv show that works thats it man what did I do to deserve this

  130. For those of you wondering what the update does here is a list:

    * Improvements:
    o Avatar: Added checking routine for file corruption
    o Swype: Applied updated build of Swype
    o Thinkfree Office: Applied updated build of ThinkFree Office
    o GMS: The Google Mobile Services has been updated
    o DLNA: Backbone updated
    o Kernel: 3D library patch
    o Telenav: APK updated
    o Kies: Can now be quit with Home key
    o Hard Reset: When performing a hardware key reset, data is erased
    * Modifications:
    o Radio: 3G antenna bar patch
    o SNS Sync: The interval value for synchronizing has been changed
    o Task Manager: String change to Internal Memory
    * Additions:
    o Media Hub: Samsung Media Hub is now available
    o Message Alert: Alert message added for Yahoo email over WiFi
    * Fixes:
    o Ringtone: Ringtone disappearing corrected
    o Silent Mode: No sounds play after unchecking silent mode
    o Feeds & Updates: Force close problem addressed
    o Calendar: Force close problem addressed
    o Contacts: Unknown name addressed
    o SNS: Contact sync error addressed
    o MMS: Out of memory exception addressed

  131. Just received. Rooted Vibrant. Less than a minute. 2 bars. Gps works 100 times better(big issue). No indication of HD camcorder(don’t care). Waiting for Froyo 2.2.
    Understand that i can update to 2.2 through various means( fully capable), but wondering why i should have to do so. I have a Iphone 3gs with ATT(iphone user since the first issue) and cannot remember a time when i was dissatisfied or frustrated with Apple( not the case with ATT). T-mobile has far superior customer support and pricing to ATT so it is unfortunate that Apple went with ATT. We all know why they did this, but its still sad that T-mobile was behind the times almost 4 years ago. Had tmobile and apple paired when the iphone first broke? too bad.

    T-mobile..many of us know why you have not updated our firmware to 2.2. Can you cut through the red tape, on your customers behalf and give us what we need?
    To be honest, all i want is a phone that has more than 5 languages to chose from: in 2010, this should be a no brainer. I can do it myself, but why should i have to do it myself? I paid you for a phone. Make it work like we live in 2010 rather 1974. To be honest, had my employer not given me this phone, id never use tmobile.

    let me say….ATT has nothing on tmobile when it comes to the respective speed of their 3G networks, internet….no comparison. Work out the rest and you could put them under the table. I would gladly use my Vibrant, if i did not have to work so hard to get it to work the way I wanted. Apple releases an update….all iphone users get it. Samsung releases and update, and three months later, I still cannot receive it without voiding my warranty, and days of frustration. We all know the resources available to a company as large as yours. Be different, find a way…get it done. Give myself and many others a reason to drop ATT. Be the first, not the last. After all, it takes a bit of money to make money…right?

  132. update: media hub still unavailable.

  133. For the apple haters… I understand. Keep in mind that Apple signed a contact with ATT. There were terms to this contract. Apple is going to do anything possible to keeps the terms. Only until the contract expires. Apple will continue to block exploits, close loopholes, resist hackers, until the day comes when they do not have to do so. The issue of apple store versus cydia is a different story all together. I side with open source. Cydia no a days has turned into a smaller version of apple store really( the stuff that people really need and want costs money). Regardless, Apples attempt to control our right to chose is wrong on every level. As for me? I use both. I like the option….and right to chose. This is the ongoing trend in the US though…all of you should realize. More money spent for less freedom afforded to us.

    For all of you working to bypass the system….exploit the exploits… we should all give you a big thanks. Were it not for you…we might till be hiding in the trees, taking pop shots with muskets, waiting for the English to decide to go home and fight their real troubles.
    Keep up the good work guys. Tmobile? Do something different and satisfy your customers!

  134. I got 2.1 Update i do not see any diff

  135. Got my update, media hub is active, HD Camcorder icon now, don’t see any change in GPS or speed for me.

  136. Got my OTA this evening, Media Hub works, as above seems fine, and believe me I sold my iPhone for my vibrant. Apple cannot compete, and the statistics show it ..

  137. I got the OTA update on 10/15. I like the new apps pushed out with the update but now I see that my battery is draining faster than usual. And still can’t figure out how. Before the update, my phone can last to over a day before i have to charge it. Now I notice that after 4 hours of charge, I am down to almost 60% life instead of almost 80% to 90% without use. I am not happy with this firmware update.

  138. Got the firmware update last week, it really screwed up my swype, picking up wrong words all the time since I did it, seems a lot less forgiving than it was before. Anyone else experience this? Fixes?

  139. I just ht my OTA update yesturday at around 7pm. I’m in Orlando fl and have noticed all the feature listed above. I havent noticed much difference in the GPS . I will remain patient for froyo since I don’t know how to do the root thing.

  140. Jason I had the same issue with swype let me know if you find a solution.

  141. For those of you who are experiencing increased battery drain, use an app killer! You need it more than ever with this update. That new task manager does not show everything that is running in the background so it would do you well to download a ‘task killer’ and check it periodically! We have been promised better battery life with Froyo and, of course, this is just an update of 2.1

  142. Received my update two days ago, though my fiancé hasn’t received his yet, even though we purchased our phones together under the same family plan. Since the update, the gps is faster to pick up my location, but my calendar widget went haywire.

  143. I just got my update on my Vibrant and its awesome I even got a Task Manager and VideoHD in the same Update Thanks T-Mobile. ..

  144. I received it on my Vibrant Galaxy S and my phone crashed

  145. I got my update Oct. 13th and it crashed my phone! Due to the Vibrant being in such high demand, I now have to wait anywhere from one week to one month for my replacement! You can guess that I am beyond pissed off and frustradted having to deal with this lame BlackBerry again. Just a friendly warning, you may be stoked about the update or even upset you haven’t gotten it but be glad you still have a working Vibrant.

  146. In Wisconsin, we got our upgrade on Sat 10-16-2010; the entire family received it within an hour of eachother.

    Thanks T Mobile

  147. I still haven’t gotten the update yet!! I live in the los angeles, ca area. Anyone gotten the update around there?

  148. I gave some bad advice in an earlier post. using a task-killer is not recommended! Over time it can make your phone run slower. It’s ok to stop running programs with the task manager however. There are two new values in this update when you migrate to-Settings>About Phone>Battery Use. I now see ‘Cell Standby’ and ‘Phone Idle’. I don’t think those two were there before. While using LiveHome launcher, both those values were higher than that of the display. Shocking-a thirteen percent drain on the battery from 2:00 am to about 9:00 am! Incredible launcher but can’t use it. Oh, if you haven’t gotten the update, get it using Kies Mini.

  149. Received my OTA update on the 15th. GPS working great, seems snappier and I am enjoying the speech to text in swype…

  150. hi everyone, can someone please tell me what this Kies Mini is??? and am i able to get this thru the market and if so can i get 2.2?

    thanks! =)

    ps. has anyone had anny freezing issues with their phone??? ihave and if so any sugestions? i hate to get another one thur the mail cuz then they will take long and send me a used one instead of a new one. i hate that refirbished crap!

  151. Just had a customer leave the store and he was wondering what happened to his 2g radio option after the update he noticed it was gone. Is there anyway to pick whether you use 2g or 3g now. Customer uses 2g to save battery life.

  152. All you have to do is google “Kies Mini” and you will find the posts that give the directions on how to get the JI6 update. Froyo is not available yet for any U.S. versions of the Galaxy S. We are hoping, just hoping that Samsung will soon make Froyo available through Kies Mini.

  153. I didn’t get this vibrant is nice and all but this update stuff is not getting through to my phone is the update. Going to be a message or what please help me

  154. When will Philadelphia get the update

  155. Still waiting on the stupid update to hit….im in dallas,tx

  156. It’s 11/14/10, & I still haven’t gotten the txt msg to update my samsung vibrant!!! I called tmobile 1 1/2 wks ago, & they put me through to their tech support team. I supposedly was placed on the list to get the update asap, but no such luck! What’s up tmobile?!? Without the update, the GPS is totally useless. Not too happy w samsung or tmobile right now.

  157. I called Tmobile today as I have not got the update either. They told me they have finished the roll out and anyone who has not got it will be put on a list and sent to tech support so it can be manually sent to each person. Said it may take 48 hours. Also said to remove App killer that i had installed on my vibrant as it may interfere with download! Dallas, TX

  158. I spoke with a representative at one of the Company stores about the update in October, he told me by mid November the update should be available. It’s now November 30th and still no update. I will contact Tmobile and have them put me on the list. Hopefully by the next roll out they will have worked out the kinks for a much smoother process.

  159. Got the notification first thing this morning, 1 Dec 2010 at around 5:30am. I postponed until now, 6:05am and it is currently updating. It says that it will take 10 minutes and the phone won’t do anything unitl it is complete. I will let you know how it goes. I am HOPING for the BEST!

  160. Okay, 6:12am and my VIBRANT is restarting for the first time after the update, seems to be taking forever.
    MODEL: SGH-T959
    Firmware Version: 2.1-update1
    Baseband Version: T959UVJ16
    KERNEL 2.6.29
    Build Number: ECLAIRUVJ16

    I will try GPS and hope for better than previous results.

    Have FUN!

  161. UPDATE: The TeleNav app used to work haphazardly – NOW it says it NOT AVAILABLE. I don’t have the DATA PKG on mine so maybe it would be RE-INSTALLING that right now but I won’t find out until tonight when I re-connect to wireless at home. The “Navigation” program opens but still better performance and I think it ALSO uses a data connection more than the GPS. Good Luck!

    The “Navigation” program opens but still -NO- better performance and I think it ALSO uses a data connection more than the GPS.

  163. As far as the TeleNav app, you do have to have a Data plan for it to work. if you dont, it wont do you any good.
    I received my update atually a month ago..and teh phone has been running good. no cpmplaints..

  164. i dont think i’ve recieved the update yet?? how can i tell??

  165. Nothing yet whats the deal

  166. Called T-Mobile and I was told they don’t know anything about an update to 2.2. She said that they have not heard anything about when or if there going to be an update. She also said that I have the lastest update being the 2.1. I advised her that according to the Samsund web site that the update has been released and should be coming in soon. Go figure, or are they not able to talk to customer about it. Giving us the company line. I’ll till be waiting for it cause I want it. happy Holidays to all.

  167. I purchased my T959 in July. Just like everyone I been waiting for the J16 update. I was surfing the net and to my suprise , my phone already has the J16 update . Silly me, I been trying to down load it from the Samsung site for over 2 weeks and I had it the whole time. I went to Kies downloaded it 2,3,4,5 times and It never worked.All that I am waiting for is the FroYo’s update and I’ll be happy. if I find the site again I’ll post it.

  168. i’m waiting and waiting

  169. I still dont have the ji6 update for my vibraNt this is total bs so I call tmobile they said there was no updat so I called again 1 week later and the guy said I should get I buy today well yesterday still no update there slackim im going to switch to sprint and get the evo best phone on the market rite now

  170. Will I get the update even I’m using different carrier?

  171. Those of you that are having problems with SWYPE after the update, check to make sure that the default language did not change. Mine went to French which caused the words I swyped to be something else in English.

  172. Just rebooted my phone for first time in weeks and update started coming through immediately afer boot.

  173. And Don Atienza, I use Simple Mobile and the update come through after a phone reboot.

  174. how come ther is no hebrew language suport or any rtl languages for the vibrant phone. my 14 years old kid freind has installed for me hebrew language for this phone with no problem. i don’t see why a 30 years old IT group can’t update the phone software for it to work in hebrew and other missing languages.

  175. hi, i live in israel and own the Vibrant. i have few questions plz i need help with this if someone could help.

    1. can i use the kies mini software for updating the phone from here in israel?
    2. do i need to update firmware before unlocking the phone to an israeli carrier or after?
    3. will we get the froyo or gingerbread rom threw kies mini?
    4. can i update the firmware after injecting hebrew fonts and adding hebrew qwerty keyboard?


  176. Last night my Vibrant said I had a software update available so I did it.. Idk what it changed but it went through. -Tori, MS,usa

  177. Ok folks…here’s the website to get your 2.2 Froyo upgrade. Just go to http://www.tinyurl.com/kiesmini and download (click on save) to where you can find it fast such as My Documents or your Desktop. Make sure your phone has a full charge. Connect phone to your computer via usb and double click the .exe to load to your phone. After installing the update, users will find WiFi calling, an “enhanced camera interface,” and tethering. T-Mobile IS NOT sending the upgrade thru your phone so don’t wait for it. Get it now at the website above.

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