
[Video Preview] Samsung Transform, Sanyo Zio, LG Optimus S


Right after Sprint was done announcing their phones they lifted the curtains to reveal them in all their full-bodied glory. We took to the floor to grab some video and quick hands-on time with the Samsung Transform, Sanyo Zio, and the LG Optimus S. We were unable to extract all of the details regarding hardware as we were speaking with software specialists (who were there to talk about Yahoo’s Sprint ID offering), but nevertheless do yourself a favor and take a look at these three phones sitting side-by-side. We’ll be back tomorrow to get even more time with these phones in a less hostile environment.

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Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

LG Optimus T for T-Mobile

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  1. Thanks for the video. I wish they were more of a compelling upgrade from the Moment, but they’ll have to do. I may pick up the Zio or the LG just as a spare Android phone.

  2. LG, no FFC, no go
    samsung another #$@%)#^)*#)$*@(*&U)(#*&%(*#@^%)(&#@$)#(@&%(#@**%^)@(#*$!)&)%(@#&%)( HARDWARE _#u)(#@&$_)*&%)(@#&%(*&%*(#%y&)(*&#*) KEYBOARD! NO #)(&$@)(&)%(#&%)@#$ GO
    and sanyo, well i mean, it’s sanyo it rhymes with no go.
    and… 4G 4G 4G anyone… echo echo echo…

    Sprint, 2 4G phones is not enough. not every phone needs moving breakable parts please give me something that’s worth having.

  3. John, calm down there, buddy. There’s a good market out there for slide out keyboards and Sprint is the only one stepping up and offering the new phones with them in the US. Just get a EVO and both of your requirements are met.

    As far as 4G is concerned, I’m positive that as Sprint rolls out more 4G coverage and Verizon starts nipping at their heels with a 4G equivalent you’ll see more 4G phones. As it is, I live and work in one of the largest 4G coverage areas and I still don’t get 4G connections anywhere near regularly. If you don’t live squarely in a 4G coverage area there’s no reason at all to buy a 4G phone and if you do, it’s still not a huge draw yet. Even with a 4G connection I’m better served on my home and work Wi-Fi connections.

  4. sean, if only that were true. Evo still has a moving part, i also don’t want to carry around a big-screen TV in my pocket.

    that said, all four carriers have phones with slide-out key-boards.Sprint:Epic T-MO: G2 and mytouch slide, Verizon: Droid, and.. ok i can’t name one on ATT, but that’s 3/4 carriers and near flagship handsets right off the top of my head. if i am recalling correctly, Sprint has had 5 android phones. of those 5 the moment, epic and another midrange(the name of the 3rd escapes me)have had slide-out keyboards. the evo has it’s own irritating moving part on it, the Kickstand, and then there is the hero which is my current phone.

    i know there are a lot of people out there that love their sliding key-boards, that is no reason for every phone to have one, or even 60%(as 3 of 5 would be).

    if i had my way, my phone would have a MAXIMUM of 4 moving parts; the battery cover, the battery, the SD card and the SIM card(if it was a SIM phone). of course if more moving parts are ABSOLUTELY necessary, how about seals to make the phone waterproof?

  5. @john I share your desire to have a more robust phone. I work outside and I go through phones very fast. I would easily pay extra for a hardened phone. Water resistant if not proof, shock resistant, sunlight readable, loud speaker/ear piece that I can hear over machinary, etc. But I do like a slide keyboard because I do a lot of field updates. Android swipe is cool,fast and pretty acurate but it eats into the screen area.

  6. Finally Sprint wakes up with mid range price options and good phone options for the average consumer since the 4G stuff they’ve been promoting doesn’t even touch much of Sprints consumer base. Sense 4G is only in 55 cities at best and there obviously is 50 states here in the U.S. think about !!!!! Why would you wanna pay the extra $10 a month for 4G or a more expensive 4G phone when 4G isn’t in your CITY. Get the Sprint Samsung Transform or the Sprint Sanyo Zio. If your going with Sprint it’s your most logical choice if you aren’t in the major cities or are the average Sprint consumer and save the extra $120 annually. Samsung Transform has good battery life and front facing camera to at the cheaper price than HTC EVO

  7. J Ross- If you were even close. That $10 is not for “4g” coverage. It has been implemented for development costs. It just took Sprint longer to implement the costs than most other carriers. And to the comment about being only in 55 cities, I will tell you that Sprint operates WAY more 4g areas than that, however they’re “test markets”.

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