
Skype For Android Now Available Worldwide


skypeIf you’re a Skype user and Android lover, you have been previously disappointed that  the Skype Android application was available on a select number of handset/carriers. But it appears your time may have come, as Skype just announced the release of Skype for Android saying, “with this latest release, the majority of smart phone users globally will now be able to experience the benefits of Skype.”

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal

Go ahead. Fire up Android Market. I’ll wait here.

Okay, now test out some of the features they boast about in the release:

  • Make free Skype-to-Skype calls over WiFi or mobile data connection (GPRS, EDGE, 3G)* to other Skype users anywhere in the world using Skype’s SILK codec for CD-like audio quality.
  • Make low rate Skype calls to landline or mobile phones
  • Send and receive instant messages to one or a group of friends on Skype
  • Synchronize contacts between Skype and the native address book and after synchronization place Skype calls directly from the native address book.
  • See when Skype contacts are online and available to call or chat
  • Easily import names and numbers to the Skype application from the native address book
  • Receive calls on their Skype online number

The Phandroid Team uses Skype on a regular basis. And by regular basis I mean daily. We’re big fans of the service and this will only help us stay more in touch and provide even better coverage. Definitely love what they’ve got going on and look forward to continued improvements.

What do you like about Skype and what else would you like to see in Skype for Android?

Rob Jackson
I'm an Android and Tech lover, but first and foremost I consider myself a creative thinker and entrepreneurial spirit with a passion for ideas of all sizes. I'm a sports lover who cheers for the Orange (College), Ravens (NFL), (Orioles), and Yankees (long story). I live in Baltimore and wear it on my sleeve, with an Under Armour logo. I also love traveling... where do you want to go?

DOCOMO Getting Galaxy Tab Late November, Galaxy S Late October

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  1. does it do video chat ?

  2. I would put in the article..

    Galaxy S phones are not supported.

  3. I cannot find it in the Android Market :\ ..

  4. Needs app2sd integration because the app is huge (>~10MB).

  5. I just checked the Market as well; nothing. Granted, I’m in Indonesia but you did say Worldwide…. (Nexus One)

  6. How about the ability to exit the application?

    I want skype to run when *I* choose to run it. Will ditch skype the moment google voice is available in Europe.

  7. “HTC Wildfire phones will not have it in the Market.” – per Skype

  8. $%^$!#@# ! Galaxy S is not supported ATM. Hope they’ll fix it soon. Though it is rumored to work with unofficial Froyo builds…. So there is some hope. ;)

  9. The Market says some phones (e.g. Galaxy S) are not supported. On my HTC Desire I can find it in the market.

  10. Whoo hoo! At last!

  11. no video chat…FAIL!

  12. Hm well while it’s odd that it one of the newest and most powerful phones (Galaxy S) wouldn’t be supported, the picture above (which I assume is an official picture from the Skype press release) shows an N1 running Skype so I assume the N1 is supported. *continues searching*

  13. I see it just fine in my market with my Vibrant USA.

  14. 8.5mb? Pointless until it can be installed to SD.

  15. Check AppBrain…

    Also… wow. It looks and works great, but you better have a battery or pwr plug handy lol. I’m watching my battery drain min by min.

  16. Just tried a voice call over 3G in the UK on my Motorola Milestone – good sound quality at both ends! Bravo Skype!

  17. “8.5mb? Pointless until it can be installed to SD.”

    <– Must be a G2 user LOL

  18. Well works for me in the uk, not sure how my battery will cope with though!

  19. Ya, I really don’t like that you can’t turn the app off, without having to sign out. Which also is hidden in the third tab. I don’t want my battery to be empty after half a day.

    Also, sending text messages is missing, which I really used a lot on the iPhone version.

    Still a lot of work left to make it truely awesome.

  20. Yeah when are they going to implement video calling then this would be 5 stars!

  21. it needs to stop being a permanently-on service and be more like gtalk, and also needs move to SD and also the ability to ‘back’ out of the damn thing.

    The S at the top of my notifications is really really utterly pointless when i get a text bubble notification for a message anyway.

  22. It even flashes my LED in a Skype blue colour when there are unread chat messages or missed calls… it really is a decent job for a version 1. Hopefully they will build on this and add video calls, etc later. 8/10 from me.

  23. I want it working on my galaxy s!!!!!
    Are they sleeping by skype.

  24. For anyone else having issues finding it, using AppBrain I was able to get it despite still not seeing it in the actual Market. Oi!

  25. Fail, wifi only in the U.S.

  26. Needs an exit option!

  27. Calls only allowed over Wifi in the US. Big disappointment.

  28. Just go to\m if you can’t find on market

  29. Verizon does NOT allow you to call over WiFi. Uber lame. How come other carriers allow it?

  30. It needs access to my contacts, and to phone calls, and everything.

    Whatfor? It has nothing to do with normal phone calls, and nothing to do with mobile contacts.

    Contacts, I can understand, because of integration. But phone calls? No way!

  31. How’s the call quality compared to Skype through the Nimbuzz app?

  32. Verizon/Droid/Cyanogen 6
    It moves to SD no problem, still takes up 2MB. And it works fine over both wifi and 3g for me…which is so much more useful than the Verizon version.

  33. I can’t wait till i get my Android phone! This is great now we can talk to our sister who is working over seas. And it don’t support video not all Android device have front facing camera.

  34. The app is quite large. Its somewhat of a hog. But at least its out. Now they can at least work on it and try to trim it down.

    Unfortunately for evo users it does not work with the front facing camera for video chat

    I guess its only a matter of time before this changes.

  35. Almost 9MB???? Not all of us have the space!

  36. scratch my previous….3G calling DOESN’T work :(

  37. No video chat on evo garbage!!!!!

  38. Personally I’m waiting for Skype videocalling. i already have free mobile-to-mobile calling with Sprint so this wont help me much, but not everybody’s on Sprint so I guess this is good

  39. O goodness and its only calls on wifi? were not iphone users, some of us have unlimited data. I’ll pass

  40. Do both parties have to have Skype downloaded for this app to work or can I make a call to someone who doesn’t have Skype installed?

  41. sucks, try it anyways with a vibrant and it works but just wouldn’t sign me in.

  42. LAME. Wifi only and no SGS support…..

  43. BTW its good to see a post from ya Rob.

  44. so, just to be 100% clear does this mean they are now hosted on exclusive carriers outside the US or are they doing away with that “we’re only on Verizon” BS so that anyone can use it?
    you know what? it probably doesn’t matter, i’ll probably just stick with fring anyway on principle.

  45. You close the App by signing out, people. Skype can’t/shouldn’t be signed in from two devices at the same time. The app lets you know you’re signed in so you will remember to sign out when you want to login somewhere else. No Video Chat is an EPIC FAIL though! C’mon Skype, I need something to replace Qik.

  46. No 3G means it’s of near zero use to me. Too bad.

  47. @Justin it says 3g is supposed to work. Did you have good reception at the time?

  48. My skype download from the market has been stuck on “starting download” since 9am this morning…. WiFi will not work either.

  49. WTF? Shows up in Android Market on my Epic 4G on Sprint. Of course I disregarded the disclaimer of not working on the Galaxy S, but it truly doesn’t work. I mean it won’t even let you login to the service.

    Also….WTF!? No video calling? Skype. Guys, what the hell are you thinking? That’s your bread and butter! What on earth is the reason behind that?

  50. It doesnt login…it seems it doesnt even want to connect to the net..

  51. I currently have the Samsung Captivate and I downloaded the BETA version from this website by removing the Sim Card and through a wifi connection. I hope it works for you all, cause I’ve been able to make calls right and left.

  52. Not compatible with the one Android phone series that is on every major US carrier???

    Not available over 3G in the US???


  53. Looks like some kind of huge bug with sign in. Worked on my Milestone earlier today and now won’t let me sign in, so either it only let’s you sign in once, or Skype are having problems with their network.

  54. I downloaded this am (around 6am mst) logged in and did the skype test. All worked well and was satisfied. Have N1 This afternoon wanted to make a call and it would NOT let me log in. Tried on desktop and logged in fine. Would have to agree with Tom Robson – Seems the skype network must be having a problem.

  55. Hey guys, I work for Skype (not on the android team though). I am hearing log in issue is now fixed. Let me know if you still have the issue. Load was massive when we launched. Hope you like it.

  56. I have been waiting for Skype (for my HTC Evo) and now that it is here… I am so disappointed. No calling over 3G in the U.S. – must use WiFi [FAIL]. No video calling [FAIL]. Drained my battery much faster than usual. I love Skype on my laptop, but (in my opinion) it is a total failure on Android in the U.S. with the restrictions I mentioned. This was a huge disappointment and I hope Skype is reading the feedback!

  57. Doesn’t show up on marketplace for my dell streak

  58. I feel like a noob for asking. I never use up the minutes I have each month on my plan. So without video what value is Skype to make voice calls on my… phone?

  59. They said that this app available worldwide except China and Japan, but I am in Cambodia, can not find this app in the android market. I also tried to go the the link, but it direct me to android market and end up with the file requested can not be found, mine is motorola milestone, there is no reason that skype not support this device, right? skype please help solve this problem. thanks

  60. Everytime i try to connect it says cannot establish connection… I tried different wifi’s and 3G Connections..! I live in malaysia..

    All other applications are online, but skype doesn;t connect..!


  62. great indeed, works on my wilfdifre, but…….. have to turn off my phone to turn off skype, pity….
    Besides…. voice calls quality was better when using skype on Fring (the best IM so far on phones ) and Nimbuzz, how come? Keep working Skype.

  63. hey guys, found out how to get off from skype: go to My Info, then to phone menu button and Sign out :)

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