
Unofficial Froyo Build for Samsung Captivate Brings Flash 10.1, Mobile Hotspot, and More


After a round of updates for the Galaxy S line of phones went out with varying degrees of success, users are still clamoring for a much desired upgrade to Android 2.2 (Froyo). If a leaked build of the OS for the Captivate is any indication it may be coming soon after all. The mostly complete UCJI6 ROM seems about as official as an unofficial leak can get and brings along Flash 10.1, mobile hotspot, and Samsung’s Media Hub support. You also get a tweaked TouchWiz interface on top of the general speed improvements found in Froyo. You won’t be able to install the leak unless you have root, so if that sounds like something you could get in to you can check out xda-developers for all the dirty details.

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[via Engadget]

Kevin Krause
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  1. That is incorrect, you do not need Root to flash this.

  2. I have designgears’ Cognition ROM of this leak, and it’s pretty sweet. :D I recommend people go right to that from Eclair. That way, it comes with the lagfix and other perks, no extra effort required, and you don’t even have to get rid of much bloatware!

  3. Did you say the captivate was “significantly slower” thanks to a quadrant score. Oh god…

    You were right the first time, quadrant is pretty meaningless. The SGS line has a somewhat slow filesystem, which is an easy fix, and it’s an error quadrant cares far too much about. THink about how much faster the SGS GPU is than the N1, if quadrant cared at all about the GPU, the NI would be below the Captivate.

  4. Why should one have to use a bogus, unofficial hack to get proper functionality from a tier 1 device?

    I thought Samsung and AT&T promised to get 2.2 out in September? Hello, McFly? October, anyone? Bueller?

  5. No one promised Froyo in Sept. The only thing AT&T and Samsung promised was that the Galaxy S phones would get Froyo which does look like its happening. If you don’t want to download the un-offical build then just wait, you will get Froyo when they release it. I guess within a month or so.

  6. ATT sucks. I left iPhone and signed on with
    Sprint so that I could get the HTC evo andim soo happy I did it!! I can’t believe how much better the evo is than the iPhone! Especially the sorry ass Samsung galaxy!
    And no more dropped calls!

  7. Once again, this proves Samsung is making good on it’s new priorities. They are providing updates & support in a committed structured way. I contacted them recently, regarding a small issue with my Captivate. They handled my case with all the speed and accuracy I usually experience from Apple. Kudo’s to Samsung.

  8. Samsung sucks cock

  9. anyone know why the fascinate system sounds goes higher? every time i set it at 50% or below it goes back up…weird. more of an annoyance. anyone else? also any clue in hell when froyo comes to fascinate???

  10. Kevin,

    Thanks for the video post. Looking forward for a leak on the EPIC and other Galaxy S Models. For this who say “Samsung S*cks” why are you wasting your time on this page? Go back and play with you crappy Boost Mobile phone!

  11. I have been running this ROM for close to a week and it runs great. Alas, the GPS is still slow to lock.

  12. Works great here. Faster and faster than before. Only problem I’ve noticed is that if I leave the wireless on with ‘Network notification’ enabled overnight it drains the battery pretty quickly. Disabling ‘Network notification’ seems to do the trick.

  13. Nothing compares to blackberry guys…

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