
EVO 4G is Issued an Update, As Well



Updates! Get yer updates here! Everything must go, or that is how things are seeming today with the fourth announced update for an Android handset ready to roll out. First the Droid X got Android 2.2, then the Samsung Fascinate and Captivate each received their own minor update to clean up some bugs and throw in a few tweaks, and now the HTC EVO 4G is also all set to get it’s own small update to deal with some performance improvements and enhancements. Firmware version 3.29.651.5 brings fixes for calendar event editing bugs and adds in support for multiple GMail account syncing.

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal

You can force the update by going to Settings > System updates > HTC software update. We sure wish carriers and manufacturers were always this update happy.

[via Android Community]

Kevin Krause
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  1. Has it been confirmed to work w/ root?

  2. I wish I could actually find an EVO somewhere…

  3. Update not showing up for my Evo yet…

  4. I wonder if rooted phones will receive it…

  5. now wish sprint would send out a gps fix for the epic, froyo would even be better….

  6. yea no update yet either woke up this morning nchecked this but nothing!!

  7. Nothing for my EVO yet. Time is 12:07pm EST

  8. Ok I did the update that was out a few weeks ago..then Sprint sends me a update to put me back in the loop..now I theres a new update to fix bugs but didn’t get it..firmware 3.29.651.6.

  9. Just check for updates on my Evo, nothing…11:40CDT

  10. As of now, 12.41EST, nothing to report as of yet as well.

  11. It’s not showing on my or my wife’s EVOs

  12. Nothing yet, I remember the last update arrived around 5pm PST.

  13. Checking for update now at 1PM eastern time on my EVO…

  14. Still waiting for OTA, manual checks for updates tell me my “phone is up to date”…

    Unrevoked folks confirm that it won’t break Root…

  15. Breaks root. Might want to wait a day until someone puts out a rooted version if you don’t want to be locked back down.

  16. Word is this update also fixes the 30fps cap issue!

  17. me too neither here…

  18. FOR acordes157

    I just picked up a EVO at a sprint store in Sacramento last Sunday

  19. No Update available on the west coast either as of 11.15am

  20. Well no update yet…if anyones EVO has been updated please let us know

  21. @jerbear – Good info, thanks.

    @Rob – Or you could be rooted and not have to deal with it. =)

  22. Jus checked no update available yet(2:30p.m). What’s up

  23. still no update here. :(

  24. No update at 2:48 EST

  25. Still no update at 2:45pm CDT.

  26. No update available for my EVO. Still on 3.26.

  27. No update as of 4:54 pm Eastern.

  28. Its 5PM and no update..=(

  29. 2:50 PST, nada: (

  30. It’s 6 PM do you know where your update is??

  31. No update yet here either (3:20 pm), but I have been getting random 4G connectivity over the last couple of days…this is in the Los Angeles area.

  32. Just received update.

  33. Nothing at 3:26 pm PST.

  34. According to the unrevoked team: It will break root. However, all you have to do is reroot. You don’t have to unroot before the update! : )

  35. 7pm on the East Coast and nothing yet. Safe to say this ain’t happening.

  36. no updates as of 4:12 pm PST

  37. I don’t think Sprint has pushed it yet.

  38. 4:30 PST …. nothing yet on the update front

  39. It’s happening. It is going out in batches, after 8pm edt.

  40. Nothing yet. 8pm EST

  41. No update yet, 5:30 PST

  42. Anyone know anything about a supposed hero update? Sprint tweetted about one but the link didnt work.

  43. 8pm PST, “check now” reports that my phone is up to date – no updates available.

  44. Official update out in AR

  45. 10:43 PM PST
    Just updated both of my EVO 4Gs…will post changes if I notice any

  46. 2 am EST and my EVO is UPDATED!!

  47. I updated my EVO a couple of hours ago and ran a fps test. Happy to report the framrate issue has been resolved. AVG: 56 on 2.2 :-)

  48. Just got my update.

  49. updated 1135PM PST

  50. I cannot believe that after I spent almost 5 hours rooting for the first time last night and then flashing a rom, they send this down the pipe. I could go through all that hell again to get this update, but to be honest, I would rather slam certain extremities in a car door. fml.

  51. Finally getting update. 9/23 6:47AM EST

  52. Downloaded it, but it gets stuck on dreaded “exclamation in triangle” logo. Got stock rom but used unrevoked to root. Also uninstalled some sprint apps. What gives?

  53. Got my update this morning as well (9/23) with a manual check In Menu > Settings > System updates > HTC software update.

    I confirm the update includes removal of the 30fps cap! I’m at 59fps now.

  54. UPDATED this morning. So far looks like the 30 FPS is unlocked as my EVO is moving quite smoothly.

  55. I’m pulling it down now…man is it slow over 3G! I know they wanted to be first to the market with major 4G service, but it would help if they actually delivered it in more than a handful of megacities.

  56. Just updated. Thankfully the 30fps cap has been solved! Scrolling looks a LOT better and switching screens and animations in general look like 100x better and is much snappier. i have ran into a bug while scrolling slowly though, hopefully that gets fixed

  57. Jus got my update can’t wait till I get home n do it its 1030 east

  58. Is anyone else still having a problem with adding alarms to events on the calander??

  59. Can anybody else confirm that pandora radio is playing much better after the latest update? It seems for me to be back to pre-froyo update quality when using the “normal” quailty setting in pandora. I know some forum memebers have seen sound quality issues with pandora, slacker, and other audio. Give it a try and see if things are better!! So happy right now.

  60. Unrevoked + Stock ROM will not update

  61. just updated my evo two mins ago

  62. Updated over 4G rather quickly, and scrolling does feel snappier. I need to play with the calendaring before I’ll declare it fixed though, as that was one of the few steps back that 2.2 introduced and I’m really hoping it’s fixed.

  63. Did anyone else’s phone get stuck at the Sprint 4G screen? I let it sit there for like 30 minutes before pulling the battery (a scary thing to do during a firmware upgrade). Fortunately it recovered. Anyone notice how it duplicates all of your widgets? Try dragging one and you’ll see a clone hiding underneath.

  64. Well I will report that the calendaring issue with Exchange ActiveSync is still not fixed which is really, REALLY annoying.

    You get a meeting request and a simple accept/reject dialog …. without it telling you the time you’re about to accept/reject. I’m really not sure how this persists …

  65. AWESOME update! The faster scrolling is what I’ve been waiting for. Very satisfied.

  66. Just updated my EVO over someones unsecured WiFi connection. Seamlessly and effortlessly. It is faster with scrolling and a lot of things. LOVE EVO!!!

  67. How do you root and what is a root?

  68. Amazon.com has plenty of EVOs

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